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Uptake_ICT 2life-cycle Glasgow… 28th ,29th November

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1 Uptake_ICT 2life-cycle Glasgow… 28th ,29th November
Future… 2016_2017 Glasgow… 28th ,29th November

Case study papers about the training experience with the disadvantaged background citizens DESCRIPTION After the training with the stakeholders, we will do, in the third step of the project, where we help the stakeholders to train the disadvantaged background citizens as said in the other fields of the project. In this moment six stakeholders from each country (selected from the first training) will travel to another country of the partnership (two to each country) and help on the training of the disadvantaged citizens by sharing their knowledge and expertise based on their country, they also will learn with the academic partners involved in that country. In this moment we will produce a paper (with the contribution of the stakeholders experience) in each country, regarding the results of this training of the disadvantaged background citizens. Results: Tangible: four papers; Intangible: Scientific knowledge. LANGUAGES English; ACTIVITIES O6

3 ACTIVITIES O6 O6-A2 | UStrathclyde
CASE STUDY PAPERS ABOUT THE TRAINING EXPERIENCE WITH THE DISADVANTAGED BACKGROUND CITIZENS O6-A2 | UStrathclyde Description: After the training of the stakeholders, we will do, in the third step of the project, transnational trainings where we select six stakeholders of each country to travel to other partner countries (2 to each partner country) to train the disadvantaged background citizens as said in the other fields of the project. In this moment we will produce a paper (with the contribution of the stakeholders experience) in each country, regarding the results of this training of the disadvantaged background citizens. These papers will be submitted to international journals with peer review. Tasks and role of each organisation: This activity will involve all the academic partners. In Italy SUR will produce a paper about their experience on the seminars with the stakeholders of Italy. In the UK the same will be done by the Strathclyde, and in Germany by P&W. In Portugal both IPS and UAb will create their paper on the same subject relative to the Portuguese context. All the process (four papers) will be supervised and leaded by Strathclyde. Participating Organisations: Universidade Aberta; Università la Sapienza; praxis; IPS. Start and End: | Ideas… to publish: INTED…1 Dec. Valencia… 6 to 8 March 2017 WordCIST’17… Porto Santo Island Madeira, Portugal, 11th-13th April International Conference on Education and New Developments…Lisbon, Portugal, 24th to 26th of June. 2017 11th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference…6-8 March, 2017 Valencia (Spain)

Massive open online course on employability DESCRIPTION After the training in e-skills (reskilling and/or upskilling) the project intends to improve the employability of the citizens. So, in this phase we will develop a MOOC on employability addressed to all citizens. Results: Tangible - Massive open online course; Intangible - Higher knowledge in upskilling and employability, and hopefully lower unemployment rates. LANGUAGES English; Portuguese; German; Italian.




O7-A1 | IPS Description: After the training in e-skills (reskilling and/or upskilling) the project intends to improve the employability of the citizens. So, in this phase we will develop a MOOC on employability addressed to all citizens. Tasks and role of each organisation: In this activity, IPS will take the lead and all partners will be involved. This particular activity will require both the academic knowledge (on the production of educational content) and the business knowledge (on the labor market), that's why all partners should collaborate and share their knowledge and good practices. As the coordinator of the project, IPS will take the lead. Participating Organisations: Universidade Aberta; Università la Sapienza; praxis; University of Strathclyde; Viatecla; Digizen. Start and End: | Draft…

Description: After the knowledge achieved with the previous activity (MOOC on employability) and as an important phase of the step 5 of the project, the website will be rearranged in order to incorporate contents about reskilling, upskilling and employability. This update will reflect the knowledge and share of good practices by all partners along the project journey. Tasks and role of each organisation: This activity will led by Digizen SRL thanks to their expertise on developing ICT tools, however, like in previous activities, the work will be done collaboratively, also taking part in this activity Viatecla and IPS. Participating Organisations: Università la Sapienza; praxis; University of Strathclyde; Viatecla; Digizen; IPS. Start and End: | NO BUDGET

10 ACTIVITIES O9 TITLE DESCRIPTION eBook on good practices
All over the project, in the end of each step, reports will be developed both in the transnational meetings and during/after the training activities. In the last step of teh project we intend to create an ebook based on the good practices shared by all partners. This book will be set of policy recommendations/guidelines that we will sent to several entities, namely the Ministries of Education and Science, the Network of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and employment agencies from all partner countries. Results: Tangible - eBook on policy recommendations/guidelines; Intangible - Changes in policies. LANGUAGES English; Portuguese; German; Italian. ACTIVITIES O9

ACTIVITIES O9 EBOOK ON GOOD PRACTICES O8-A1 | IPS Description: All over the project, in the end of each step, reports will be developed both in the transnational meetings and during/after the training activities. In the last step of teh project we intend to create an ebook based on the good practices shared by all partners. This book will be set of policy recommendations/guidelines that we will sent to several entities, namely the Ministries of Education and Science, the Network of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and employment agencies from all partner countries. Tasks and role of each organisation: Every organisation will have an important role on this activity. Since one of the project cores is the sharing of good practices, every partner will share their practices, their knowledge and their view on the subject. In a collaborative way, all partners will write the policy recommendation/guidelines. UAb will be responsible for the management of this activity. Participating Organisations: Università la Sapienza; praxis; University of Strathclyde; Viatecla; Digizen; Universidade Aberta. Start and End: |



14 WHY????


16 Tools


18 ACTIVITIES O10 TITLE DESCRIPTION Papers about Uptake ICT project
Final papers of the project experience. Since we will organize a final conference at the end of the project, every partner will be invited to create papers, individually (about their specific country context) and collaboratively (with the project partners), to be presented in the conference. Results: Tangible - 4 papers and 1 ebook; Intangible - Increased knowledge and project dissemination. LANGUAGES English;

ACTIVITIES O10 PEDAGOGICAL AND DIDATICAL GUIDELINES O10-A1 | IPS WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT O10-A2 | IPS Description: Final papers of the project experience. Since we will organise a final conference at the end of the project, every partner will be invited to create papers, individually (about their specific country context) and collaboratively (with the project partners), to be presented in the conference. Tasks and role of each organization: As said, every partner will be invited to create papers, individually (about their specific country and/or activity context) and collaboratively (with the project partners), to be presented in the final conference. Participating Organisations: Universidade Aberta; Viatecla; Universita la Sapienza; Digizen; praxis; University of Strathclyde. Start and End: | Description: Produce and freely disseminate via project website an ebook with the collection of papers presented in the final conference. Tasks and role of each organisation: In this activity IPS and UAb will aggregate all the papers produced and presented in the final conference into one ebook. IPS with and expertise in ebooks creation will be the leading organisation. Participating Organisations: Universidade Aberta. Start and End: | NO BUDGET

20 FINAL CONFERENCE 5 of June?? (Monday)
DESCRIPTION Final Conference – 20/08/2017 – 24/08/2017 Leader: Uab LANGUAGES English; Local participants...60 Foreign participants...20 Final Report will be submitted until 30 September

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