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Digital Closings The First Step to Digital Mortgages

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1 Digital Closings The First Step to Digital Mortgages
Chad Clifford – Director of Sales & Operations

2 Chad Nice to meet you! Career in Digital for many industries
Clifford Career in Digital for many industries Sales and Operations Business Process and User Experience Fortune 100 Enterprise & Consumer Tech Portals & Websites Software applications & more

3 About Pavaso Innovative Tech Company for Mortgage & Real Estate
Built the most capable digital closing platform in the industry Closed thousands of loans to date Unique digital eco-system with tremendous value CFPB 2015 eClosing Pilot (550+ live loans, advanced category) Won Best Practices Award from Credit Union Journal with Mountain America Credit Union

4 Today’s Agenda Food for Thought The Changing Landscape
Digital Closings Roadmap for Going Digital Questions

5 Let’s talk about today’s closings…
Food for Thought Let’s talk about today’s closings…

6 Today’s Customer Experience

7 Crazy Facts Single transaction = 1,285 sheets of paper
~ 5.8 million homes purchased in 2016 7,453,000,000 (billion) pieces of paper last year alone 1 Tree = 8335 sheets of 8.5” x 11” paper ~ 900,000 trees for 2016 closings

8 Why are we still closing this way?
Let me ask you… Why are we still closing this way?

9 The Times They Are A-Changin'
Forces from a new market landscape

10 Largest generation is U.S. history with 83.1 million of the population
Affinity for technology is reshaping retail as they turn to brands that offer maximum convenience at the lowest cost Embrace & Define the “Shared Economy” 2X more likely to purchase from a brand based on social and/or environmental impact

11 It’s time to ask yourself…
Does your borrower experience align with ANY of the needs of this changing market? Can your operations deliver better profitability at a lower cost? How can you provide proof of a great experience if questioned? What is your long term approach to keeping borrowers loyal? How long do you think your business can outrun paper?

12 An easy entry-point into a better way of doing business
Digital Closings An easy entry-point into a better way of doing business

13 digital closing Let’s define it [dij-i-tl kloh-zing]
The facilitation and execution of a transaction through the use of digital technology that minimizes or eliminates the use of paper and its restrictive processes.

14 Clarifying Terminology
Digital Closing, AKA… eClosing Electronic Closing Hybrid Closing Digital Mortgage, AKA… eMortgage eNote/eVault

15 eSign is not the same as Digital Closing
Is just one component of digital closings Doesn’t provide quality control or other benefits of digital closings Simply replaces a pen

16 Digital Closings in the Mortgage Process
Application LOS & Docs Pre-Closing Closing Post-Closing

17 Digital Closings in the Mortgage Process
What most people think of as a Digital Closing Application LOS & Docs Pre-Closing Closing Post-Closing

18 Digital Closings in the Mortgage Process
What a Digital Closing actually covers Application LOS & Docs Pre-Closing Closing Post-Closing Members can: Review Accept Get education Ask questions eSign eNotary Mobility Quality assurance & error prevention safeguards Real-time compliance checks Final package available to all, moments after closing eNote/eVault eRecording

19 Digital Closings in the Mortgage Process
What a Digital Closing actually covers Application LOS & Docs Pre-Closing Closing Post-Closing Global Capabilities Centralize & standardize the process and transaction for everyone Single location for all stakeholders of the transaction Access from wide variety of devices Easy-to-use technology, not just for Millennials Consolidate communication Collaborate with business partners Setup and design any document for digital delivery & consumption Automate & standardize Consumer education Secure messages, chat & document delivery Ensure delivery, receipt & acknowledgement of documents Quality control measures for consistent, complete closings Audit Log for compliance proof

20 Did you know? Mortgage stakeholders can still realize at least 90% of the benefits from digital closings even if the actual closing is 100% paper?

21 Types of Digital Closings
The right digital closing platform will provide flexibility for any of the 4 types of closings that can occur today. Paper (the traditional closing today) Hybrid (part digital, part paper) Digital (fully digital & eSigned packages) eNote (Using SMART Docs®)

22 How does it work? Produce documents in your existing production software Securely share documents with everyone involved Get status updates as each stakeholder prepares for closing Digitally close in any of 4 types of closing Keep customers for life with tools & other enhanced services Loan Origination System Digital Delivery of ANY DOCUMENT Pre-Closing Closing Post-Closing Borrower review (docs & educational materials) Touch-Enabled Devices Borrower access to closing documents Upload or Integration eSign Borrower accept/ acknowledge and even eSign eVault Closing package assembled by each stakeholder Title Production System eNotary Customer for life program Borrower communication with any stakeholder Scan & Digitize “Papered-out” Docs

23 MASSIVE Change in Perspective
The Borrower becomes the focal point, communicating from one place to all parties BONUS! Each stakeholder is connected with the other stakeholders in one place Lender Title Company Real Estate Agent

24 What do they do for you? Save hundreds per loan Speed Up & Save Time
Improve Accuracy & Efficiency Boost Borrower Satisfaction Distinct Market Differentiator

25 DIGITAL CLOSINGS are the FIRST STEP to Digital Mortgages
You must have digital closings in place to produce eNotes

26 Examples of People Experiencing Digital Closings
This is Real Life Examples of People Experiencing Digital Closings

27 Mountain America Credit Union
“What I liked most about using Pavaso was the fact that the technology was, I feel, up with my generation.” Consumer satisfaction & empowerment Saved the need to hire 4 additional post-closing resources Fund loans the same day of closing Tyler Clark Millennial homebuyer

28 Residential Mortgage Corp.
“It gave me a high level of comfort to be able to read through all of my closing documents in the comfort of my own home. I had time to sit and read everything before my closing date, which took the pressure and stress away from the process.” Consumer satisfaction & empowerment 1st eClosing in North Carolina 1st Hybrid loan purchased by Wells Fargo from Pavaso Jacqueline Vaz First time homebuyer

29 Chief Operations Officer
Member First Mortgage “Making the closing process digital is the ultimate way to serve our members at the highest levels of transparency, efficiency and ease of experience. Our 2017 goals include executing eNotes with video notarization, and transferring to an eVault by the end of the year. By using the hybrid model now, the first step is easy for both Member First Mortgage and our investors; and the benefits to the borrower are tangible.” Carmen Sherman Chief Operations Officer

30 Forming an Achievable Digital Roadmap
Let’s Talk About You Forming an Achievable Digital Roadmap

31 Look for a platform that…
Brings ALL parties together & makes member part of a team with real estate agents, attorney, title, banker, etc. Supports your business partners as much as you Provides flexibility in closing types Allows for open integrations & is vendor neutral Conforms to industry standards (MISMO, UETA, etc.) Provides eNote/eVault capability (even if starting with hybrids) Engages consumer during entire homeownership lifecycle Ability to remain in front of the homeowner will help dramatically increase repeat business from the industry’s current 16% Lender Title Company Real Estate Agent

32 A Digital Roadmap Prepare Pilot Rollout Promote it! Post-Rollout
Change in culture Align business partners Touchscreen Hardware (if desired) Pilot Start with one location Train & Implement Document Lessons-Learned Refine Process & Apply Lessons-Learned to Rollout Rollout Determine order of locations for rollout Train-the-Trainer to stack multiple locations and reduce rollout duration Conduct training & complete implementation Promote it! Competitive Advantage! Real Estate Agent educational sessions Member marketing & advertising Press, Press, Press Post-Rollout eNote/eVault planning & prep Determine ancillary integrations for greater efficiency Long term enhancements considered for development

33 REMEMBER…the only stupid question is the question that is never asked!
Any Questions? REMEMBER…the only stupid question is the question that is never asked!

34 Chad Clifford – Director of Sales & Operations
Thank you Chad Clifford – Director of Sales & Operations

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