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Aim Success Criteria Challenge

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1 Teacher Guidance: Be aware, there is content that some children may find disturbing.

2 Aim Success Criteria Challenge
I can learn from someone else’s experience. Success Criteria I can identify things that are bad or difficult in someone else’s experience. I can identify things that are positive in someone else’s experience. I can list new things I have learnt from someone else’s experience. I can understand that some people have very difficult experiences and I can empathise with their thoughts and feelings. Challenge I can think about how I could make a situation better.

3 What is Holocaust Memorial Day?
27th January each year is Holocaust Memorial Day. On this day, we remember events that have happened in the past, when people were treated badly. This is so that we can learn from them and make sure they don’t happen again. We remember the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and terrible crimes committed during conflicts in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. Today, to mark Holocaust Memorial Day we are going to look at what has been happening to people in a place called Darfur.

4 What is Holocaust Memorial Day?
Bosnia Cambodia Darfur Rwanda

5 The Story of Abdul Aziz Mustafa

6 Where is Darfur? What is your region/country? How far is Darfur from you? Click here Darfur is a region of Sudan, which is a country in Africa.

7 One of the Zaghawa People
The Zaghawa tribe live in Darfur, Sudan, and neighbouring Chad. They are one of many tribes in these countries. The Zaghawa tribe are nomadic (travel around), herding animals such as cattle and sheep. What groups are you part of, and what characteristics or activities do you share? Photo courtesy of European Commission DG ECHO and UNAMID - granted under creative commons licence

8 Fighting Breaks out in Darfur
Abdul Aziz was only 13 years old when the Sudanese government decided that the Zaghawa people, and other tribes, did not belong in Sudan. They sent soldiers to burn villages, and kill or get rid of the Zaghawa people from their country. What do you think about what the Sudan government did? Photo courtesy of - granted under creative commons licence

9 Abdul Aziz Loses His Father
Tragically, Abdul Aziz lost his father in the fighting. His father was killed whilst working in his shop, just for being a member of the Zaghawa people. What is your reaction to this?

10 Do you think this was an easy decision? Why/Why not?
A Big Decision The attacks continued and eventually, Abdul Aziz and his family decided to become refugees, and moved to a refugee camp. Do you think this was an easy decision? Why/Why not? Photo courtesy of - granted under creative commons licence

11 The Terrible Journey Part 1
Abdul Aziz was locked in a crate with four other people and put on a ship. This was to make them look like normal cargo, as escaping like this is illegal. They had to stay in silence in the hot, dark crate for the 11 day journey. Why did they have to stay silent? What would have happened if they had made noise?

12 The Terrible Journey Part 2
When the ship arrived at its destination, Abdul Aziz and the others were transferred to the back of a lorry, again in the dark, for a 10 day journey to London. How do you think he is feeling now? What might he be thinking?

13 Arriving in London He finally arrived in London very confused and lost, but a stranger who spoke his language gave him food and water and told him what to do next. He was looked after by a family (because he was still young) who gave him food, shelter and taught him English and about life in Britain. How do you think he is feeling now? What might he be thinking?

14 Making Contact After a few years, when he was 18 years old, his brother managed to contact him and they were both able to contact their mother who was still alive. How do you think he is feeling now? What might he be thinking?

15 Do you think we could make it easier for Abdul Aziz?
Today Abdul Aziz still lives in Britain and is glad to be safe. However, he finds it hard living away from everyone he knew, having to start his life again all by himself. Do you think he made the right decision? Why? Do you think we could make it easier for Abdul Aziz?


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