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Presentation on theme: "AlBERTHA CROSS PROFESSOR DEMPSTER PRESENTATION DATE: OCTOBER 31,2016"— Presentation transcript:

How does social media use (media in general) affect today’s female youth? AlBERTHA CROSS PROFESSOR DEMPSTER PRESENTATION DATE: OCTOBER 31,2016

2 SUBCLAIMS Mentally – Self Esteem Physically- Body Dissatisfaction
Socially- Bullying/ Cyber- Bullying What does all of this really mean?

3 SUBCLAIM #1: Mentally (self-esteem)
QUOTATIONS “Those who post a high number of selfies are believed to be narcissistic or attention seeking (e.g. Martino 2014), a notion supported by recent research utilizing self-reports of narcissism and social media behavior. (Fox & Rooney).” “Within the popular press, narcissism and self-esteem have frequently been proposed as important considerations in the rise of a selfie culture.” (Martino 1) MY THOUGHTS: Girls are losing the ability to be humble. It is okay to be confident, but becoming self-absorbed is a problem. Girls will start to seek attention in more ways than just on social media and that opens the door to many more other problems. Social media has trained girls that there is a certain image to be considered beautiful. It has also trained them that once they have the image, if they can get the image, the world will revolve around them.

4 SUBCLAIM #2: PHYSICALLY (body dissatisfaction)
MY THOUGHTS: There is now a related connection between girls who have eating disorders and their social media. Girls who don’t think they are the right weight will often do things in order to become the “right size”. It was social media that determined what is and isn’t the right size. QUOTATIONS: “The advent of social media has led to new lay and research questions about the role of social media use in fostering disordered eating behavior.” “Maladaptive Facebook usage, the tendency to evaluate oneself negatively in comparison to one's Facebook friends—significantly predicted an increase in young adult women's binge eating and purging symptoms in a prospective longitudinal study.”

5 SUBCLAIM #3: SOCIALLY: bullying
Quotations: “Peer competition proved to be a moderate strong predictor of negative outcomes both concurrently and prospectively.” “It is concluded that the negative influences of social comparison comes from peers just as much as television and social media exposure.” My Thoughts: Females think that life is about competing to be the cutest or thickest girl, because in the media, famous successful women are always talking down about other women. If you don’t have good weave, nice shoes and nice hips, you’re not “winning” in life. Once females have an “understanding of what is expected of them (based off of what social media and media says), females who seem to have “it” look down upon other girls and this is where bullying happens.

MENTALLY, girls receive the wrong opinions and aren’t able to think realistically about life and their future. They believe the world revolves around them OR they can’t receive any attention. PHYSICALLY, girls see that they are near perfect or not close to it enough and they cause damage to their body trying to become like those famous from social media. SOCIALLY, girls can hurt themselves, or shut their personalities down, causing them not to be able to focus on their dreams, futures, OR give up bright futures because they live according to social media THEREFORE, SOCIAL MEDIA WILL CAUSE TODAY’S FEMALES TO LOSE A SET OF MORALS AND VALUES THAT ARE NEEDED FOR THEM TO BECOME STRONG INDEPENT WOMEN.

7 SOURCES Barry, C. T., Doucette, H., Loflin, D. C., Rivera-Hudson, N., & Herrington, L. L. (2015, June 29). “Let Me Take a Selfie”: Associations Between Self- Photography, Narcissism, and Self-Esteem. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Ferguson, C. J., Munoz, M. E., Garza, A., & Galindo, M. (2014). Concurrent and prospective analyses of peer, television and social media influences on body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms and life satisfaction in adolescent girls. Journal of Youth and Adolescence al, Morgan Thomas et. "Facebook Use and Disordered Eating." Clinical Key (2015):


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