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What is a bystander? Bystanders are kids and teens who witness bullying and cyberbullying in action, who stand by and watch, who videotape it and make.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a bystander? Bystanders are kids and teens who witness bullying and cyberbullying in action, who stand by and watch, who videotape it and make."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a bystander? Bystanders are kids and teens who witness bullying and cyberbullying in action, who stand by and watch, who videotape it and make it viral ... and WHO DO AND SAY NOTHING.

2 Don’t be a bystander be an UPSTANDER. STAND UP to bullying.
Bystanders send a message to the bully that what they are doing is ok. IT IS NOT OK!! Don’t be a bystander be an UPSTANDER. STAND UP to bullying.

3 STAND UP! There are things that you can safely do to STAND UP to bullying. Don't laugh  Don't encourage the bully in any way Don't participate Stay at a safe distance and help the target get away Don’t become an "audience" for the bully Reach out in friendship Help the victim in any way you can Support the victim in private If you notice someone being isolated from others, invite them to join you Include the victim in some of your activities Tell an adult (

4 There is strength in numbers
There is strength in numbers. When you see bullying stop being a bystander and STAND UP to it. If you are not a part of the SOLUTION you become part of the PROBLEM. Basketball players protect girl targeted by bully Boys reaction to bullying Stand Up

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