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Energy Interactions Review For Test

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1 Energy Interactions Review For Test
Made by: Gabbi McPherson

2 What is force? Force is the push or pull motion that causes an object to move, stop or change direction. Example: when you push a swing when you pull back a rubber band

3 2. What happens when you apply force to an object?
If it is unsteady it will fall, but if it is steady it most likely won’t fall. Example: When you stand on one leg and someone pushes end up falling.

4 3. Define gravity and give an example.
Gravity is the force that pulls all things in the universe towards each other. Its also the force that pulls things down to Earth. Examples: When the tide comes in and then goes back out. An apple falling from a tree.

5 4. Define magnetism and describe the two forces it can produce.
Magnetism is a force that attracts or repels magnetic materials (like iron or steel).

6 5. Define friction. A force that resists motion when objects rub against each other.

7 6. Give examples of friction using three different sports
6. Give examples of friction using three different sports. What surfaces would be good and bad and why? Examples: Sport: Good Surface for Friction: Bad Surface for Friction: 1.Football 1.Grass 1.Ice rink 2.Track 2.Running track 2.Concrete 3.Basketball 3.Gravil 3.Basketball court activity: sliding or jumping smooth or slick surface rough or uneven surface

8 7. What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work and make changes in matter.

9 8. What types of energy can solar energy produce?
Solar energy can produce thermal and light energy.

10 9. List conductors and insulators of thermal heat energy.
Conductors Insulators Gold Water Silver Plastic Metal Wool Foam

11 10. What are ways we use sound energy in the real world to enhance our lives?
Sound energy can be used by doctors to get pictures of our insides to test for illness. It can also be used underwater to find ships and objects (sonar).

12 11. How is an echo produced? Echoes are produced by sound waves bouncing on and off a solid object (like a wall).

13 12. Describe mechanical energy and list ways we use mechanical energy.
Mechanical Energy is the combined potential and kinetic energy of an object; the energy used to move the object. Examples: Driving in a car from place to place. Using a fan to cool a room down.

14 13. Describe how light travels and what happens when light strikes an object.
Light always travels in a straight line until something gets in it’s way. When that happens, light can be absorbed, reflected (bounced off) or refracted (bent) depending on what kind of surface it is.

15 14. Describe how light is reflected and list examples.
Light is reflected when it bounces off something. Examples: When light bounces off a mirror When light bounces off a window

16 15. Describe how light is refracted and list examples.
Light is refracted when it changes direction and enters a new medium. When light rays bend. Examples: Light passing through a diamond Light passing through a stained glass window

17 16. Describe how light is absorbed and list examples.
Light is absorbed when it is taken in by an object. Examples: Light absorbed on a boat is the colors not seen. What is seen is the colors reflected. A red boat looks red because the color red is reflected and all other colors are being absorbed. A pink flower looks pink since the color pink is being reflected and all other colors are being absorbed.

18 17. What happens to light when it goes through a hand lens?
When light goes through a hand lens it is refracted.

19 18. What materials conduct and insulate electricity?
Materials that conduct: Coins, Aluminum cans, Copper Wire, metal paper clip, pencil lead Materials that insulate: Rubber, glass, paper, dry wood, plastic

20 19. Draw examples of a complete and incomplete circuit using a battery, light bulb, and 2 wires
Incomplete (a) Complete (b)

21 20. What fossil fuels are burned to produce electricity and why should we conserve them?
Coal, oil and natural gas. We need to conserve them because there are limited amounts of each of these fuels.

22 21. Where does geothermal energy come from
21. Where does geothermal energy come from? How do we use it and why do we use it? Geothermal energy comes from inside the Earth’s crust. The area of the crust closer to the mantle (magma) get very hot. If the crust is thin enough we can run pipes through it and collect the steam. The steam can then be turned into electricity. We use this form of energy because its renewable.1

23 22. How is wind energy produced and how can we use it?
Wind energy is produced by the natural occurrence of wind. We can capture this energy with turbines and convert it into other forms of energy.

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