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Overview on the Work of WG 6

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1 Overview on the Work of WG 6
Reference Version and Implementation WG Coordinator: Ulrich Schättler

2 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany
The Work Packages 6.1: Operational implementations 6.2: Running the web site 6.3: Restructuring of documentation 6.4: Operational coding of the INT2LM 6.5: Operational coding of the nesting Version 6.6: Restructuring of diagnostic output 6.7: Define a COSMO table of generating process 6.8: The GRIB code 6.9: Proposal for a set-up of a file-based data assimilation system 6.10: Towards ISO 9000 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

3 6.1: Operational Implementations
Updates of programs and documentations (see next presentation) Code opimization and portability A working group (DWD, MCH, CSCS) has been formed (met once) Guidelines for the work have been setup Most important: Portable Optimization Define the first Reference Version The Reference Version is LM 3.1 Install test cases and produce „Reference Output“ 3 test cases have been selected for which Reference Output is available there still is no consent about the Update Procedure Software Engineering Guidelines 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

4 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany
6.2: Running the Web Site Maintaining, updating (and mirroring) the Web Site Define a template for describing the operational applications Descriptions of the operational applications on the public domain of the Web Site see next presentation Update histories of the programs (Internal and external) description of WG 6 Software tools for exchange within COSMO Several tools are available: field_extra, MakeAOF, grIns On the private pages of the Web: Software/Utilities 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

5 6.3: Restructuring of Documentation
Numerics and Dynamics Physical Parameterizations Data Assimilation Implementation Documentation User Guide (but not web based) (Web based) Quick Reference Guide 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

6 6.4: Operational coding of INT2LM
No general interpolation program INT2LM ready up to now. But different components now as seriously tested β-versions: IFS2LM as version int2lm_030224 LM2LM as version lm2lm_030520 GME2LM Version 1.17 as „official“ version 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

7 6.5: Operational coding of the nesting version
The nesting version is tested by HNMS and now also by ARPA Piedmonte (for Olympic Winter Games 2006) Some technical problems could be solved But there are still open problems (see next presentation) Operational version is not in sight 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

8 6.6: Restructuring of diagnostic output
The diagnosis for subdomains (YUPRDIAG) and the differences of forecast fields to the boundaries (YUPRDIFF) have been eliminated in Version 3.5 (because they have not been used) The grid point output has been restructured to include cloud ice; the format of long and short output has been changed. See (new) User Guide about the changes in the NAMELIST input 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

9 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany
: The Rest The Grib code (clean implementation; external Grib table) no actions have been taken Proposal for a set-up of a file-based data-assimilation suite still has to be written Towards ISO 9000 DWD is about to start with ISO activities Dieter Frühwald will inform the SSC 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

10 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany
Schedule Ulrich Schättler Status of COSMO Software and Documentations Massimo Milelli Analysis of the Performance of the Two-Way Nesting Version of LM on Idealized Test Cases Euripides Avgoustoglou Evaluation of the LM Two-Way Nesting Option during the recent Olympic Test Events in Greece Ioannis Papageorgiou Olympic Games 2004 5th General COSMO Meeting --- Langen, Germany

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