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Do Now: What would you do if you saw this? (List the actions that you would take in order.)

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What would you do if you saw this? (List the actions that you would take in order.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What would you do if you saw this? (List the actions that you would take in order.)

2 Check- the scene and the person
The Three C’s Check- the scene and the person Call or the local emergency # Care- for the person

3 Check Check the scene to make sure the scene is safe for you and any bystanders.

4 Check Check for dangerous situations Gas Fire Flood Poisons/Chemicals

5 Check Look carefully Screaming Bleeding Infant Unconscious

6 Check Look for clues to what caused the emergency and how the person might be injured. It might be life threatening.

7 Check Communication Try and communicate
Signs of communication Moans Screaming Rolling Crying

8 Check Ask YOURSELF questions
Is it safe? Is immediate danger involved? What happened? How many people are involved? Is anyone else available to help? What is wrong?

9 Call Calling 9-1-1 is the most important action you can take.
This will start emergency medical help

10 Call First or Care First?
“Only person at the scene,” you should shout for help. Then decide weather to Call First or Care First.

11 Call First Situations IF YOU ARE ALONE:
Unconscious adult or adolescent (12 years or older) Sudden collapse of a child or infant that you witnessed Unconscious infant or child known to have heart problems. Usually cardiac emergencies

12 Care First Situations IF YOU ARE ALONE Victim is drowning
Did not witness a collapse of an unconscious person younger then 12 years old. Often related to breathing emergencies

13 Care Before giving care check the scene and call 9-1-1.
You may have to give care until EMS arrives.

14 Guide Lines of Giving Care
Do no further harm Monitor breathing and consciousness Make sure they are comfortable Keep the person from getting chilled or overheated Give any specific care needed Reassure the person

15 Transporting The Injured Person
Know the quickest route to the nearest medical facility Two is better than one Pay close attention to there vitals NEVER let them transport themselves

16 NEVER Transport a Person If. . .
Unsure of the injury or illness Has or may develop a life threatening condition Transportation may cause additional injury

17 Reaching and Moving. . . An Injured Person…Exceptions
Faced with immediate danger Fire Risk of explosion Risk of a collapsing structure Lack of oxygen Scene not safe

18 Reaching and Moving. . . An Injured Person…Exception
Faced with two injured people Giving CPR, needs a flat firm surface

19 Emergency Moves Walking Assist Pack-Strap Carry Two-Person Seat Carry
Clothes Drag Blanket Drag Foot Drag

20 The Pack Strap Carry

21 Two-Person Seat Carry

22 Clothes Drag Carry

23 Blanket Drag

24 Checking a Conscious Person
Checking a conscious person with no immediate life-threatening conditions involves two steps: Interview the person and bystanders Check the person from HEAD to TOE

25 Conducting Interviews
Identify yourself and get consent to give care Ask the persons name (make them feel comfortable) Ask questions: What happened? Do you feel pain or discomfort anywhere? Do you have any allergies? Do you have any medical conditions or are you taking any medication?

26 Interviews with a Child
Approach slowly and gently and give them time to get comfortable with you Get down on their level, kneel on the ground so you’re eye to eye or lower than them

27 Head to Toe Check: ADULT
Do not move any areas where there is pain or discomfort Check the person’s head Look for cuts, bruises, bumps or depressions Watch for changes in consciousness Look for changes in the person’s breathing Notice how the skin feels and looks Look over the body, ask again about areas that hurt Look for medical ID tag, bracelet or necklace

28 Toe to Head Check: CHILD
Less emotionally threatening Allow the child to become more comfortable with you Let the child sit in their parents lap if it does no further harm

29 SHOCK When the body is healthy, 3 conditions are needed to keep the right amount of blood flow: The heart must be working well An adequate amount of oxygen-rich blood must be circulating in the body The blood vessels must be intact and able to adjust to blood flow

30 What is shock? Shock Condition in which the circulatory system fails to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the body’s tissues and vital organs Brain, heart and lungs do not function properly without this blood supply

31 What to look for… Restlessness or irritability
Altered level of consciousness Nausea or vomiting Pale, ashen or grayish, cool, moist skin Rapid breathing and pulse Excessive thirst

32 What to do until help arrives…
Have the person lie down Control any external bleeding Unsure of the person’s condition, leave them laying flat Help maintain normal body temperature, if cold cover Do not give them anything to eat or drink, even if they’re thirsty. Reassure the person Continue to monitor the person’s breathing and for any changes in the person’s condition.

33 Remember the Three C’s & Your ABC’s
Check - Check the scene Call - Call for help Care – Care for the victim Airway – open airway Breathing – check for breathing Circulation – check for signs of life/ Infant Brachial Pulse Check for severe bleeding

34 Steps in. . . . Checking an Unconscious Adult For Ages 12 & Older
Step 1: Check scene then check person Step 2: Tap shoulder and shout “Are you okay?” Step 3: No response Call 9-1-1

35 Steps in. . . . Checking an Unconscious Adult For Ages 12 & Older
Step 4: Open airway (Tilt head, lift chin) and check for signs of life Step 5: No breathing start CPR

36 Steps in. . . . Checking an Unconscious Child For Ages 1 -12
Step 1: Check the scene, then check child Step 2: Obtain consent from parent/guardian if present

37 Steps in. . . . Checking an Unconscious Child For Ages 1 -12
Step 3: Tap shoulder and shout “Are you okay?” Step 4: No response Call 9-1-1 Step 5: No breathing begin CPR

38 Steps in. . . . Checking an Unconscious Infant For Under Age 1
Step 1: Check the scene, then check infant Step 2: Obtain consent from parent/guardian if present

39 Steps in. . . . Checking an Unconscious Infant For Under Age 1
Step 3: Flick foot or tap shoulder and shout “Are you okay?” Step 4: No response Call 9-1-1 Step 5: No breathing begin CPR

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