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By Natcha, Kaitlin, Catherine, Sophie, Elise, Beth, Shauna & Aimee

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Presentation on theme: "By Natcha, Kaitlin, Catherine, Sophie, Elise, Beth, Shauna & Aimee"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Natcha, Kaitlin, Catherine, Sophie, Elise, Beth, Shauna & Aimee
Our Anti Bullying  Campaign  By Natcha, Kaitlin, Catherine, Sophie, Elise, Beth, Shauna & Aimee 

2 What is Physical Bullying???
E Physical Bullying, this is any bullying that hurts somebody or damages their possessions. Stealing, shoving, hitting, fighting, and destroying property all are types of physical bullying. Physical bullying is rarely the first form of bullying that a target will experience. It can range from subtle actions to casually degrading a person over time, to a series of more aggressive and direct acts to purposefully hurt the person in a more immediate manner. 

3 What Is Mental Bullying???
Mental bullying is the act of tearing down another person through words, actions or any other means that affect their mental state. In some cases, the bully does not even realize the words they say or their actions are causing harm to the victim. Unlike physical abuse, the scars of mental bullying are invisible.

4 C What's Social Bullying??? The Definition of Social Bullying. Social or covert bullying involves spreading rumors about another person, purposely leaving someone out of an activity or group or embarrassing a person in public. Another form of bullying that falls into this category involves encouraging others to avoid a certain person or group.

5 S Online Bullying- Online Bullying is a form of bullying which only occurs online or through social media. This can be anything from commenting mean things on anything you post to people posting things about you, or texting their friends rumors about you.  

6 C Our campaign...... We are an anti-bullying campaign designed to help teens suffering with bullying. We are raising awareness for the victims of mental, physical and social bullying. 

7 Our website is called "Be a Boss“ and features Shauna, Elise, Beth, Natcha, Sophie, Kaitlin and Catherine.

8 What are we doing to help????
    To show awareness for bullying, we have made a website and a video explaining about bullying and how to stop it. 

9 E&S To raise money for are chosen charity which was The Local Hero's we sold anti bullying wrist bands ,Are total profit was £17.30. We also raised £88.00 for the charity Kidscape by preparing a cake sale at the local school, Roselands Primary School. The total was £105.30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

10 C 4,400 people commit suicide every year because of bullying. The main reason for most suicides is because of bullying along with depression and anxiety.

11 This can be used for advice on different aspects of bullying
You can find help online at You can also find help at Childline, which is accessible from any phone number . Here is their number: This can be used for advice on different aspects of bullying -Social -Mental -Physical Where to find help??

12 S Thanks For Watching!!!!!!

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