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Minerals and Water Inorganic substances that make up about 4% of your body weight. Become part of your body structure such as teeth, bones, soft tissues.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals and Water Inorganic substances that make up about 4% of your body weight. Become part of your body structure such as teeth, bones, soft tissues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals and Water Inorganic substances that make up about 4% of your body weight. Become part of your body structure such as teeth, bones, soft tissues and body fluids. Often work w/vitamins Vital for good health

2 Calcium Needed for strong bones and teeth
Works with phosphorus and Vitamin D Best Sources Milk, Yogurt, Cheese Deficiency - Osteoporosis

3 Phosphorus Second most abundant mineral in milk
Helps build strong bones and teeth Aids body in storing and releasing energy Best sources Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and milk products

4 Iron Essential for hemoglobin in the blood Best sources
Dried beans and peas Leafy greens Lean meats Liver Deficiency - Anemia Hemoglobin is substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all body cells.

5 Iodine Promotes normal function of thyroid gland Best sources
Iodized table salt Saltwater fish Shellfish Deificiency - Goiter

6 Water 55% - 75% of your body weight
Water is a solvent necessary in the production of and maintaining body cells. Lubricates body joints Water is a heat regulator. It helps the body temperature to stay the same.

7 Water is used to move nutrients through the digestive tract.
Water is needed to remove and waste products. Without sufficient water, fiber does no good. Fiber absorbs water thus allowing waste products to move freely through the digestive tract, and thus preventing toxic waste from accumulating.

8 Potassium, Sodium & Chloride
Electrolytes Group of minerals that works together to maintain the body’s fluid balance. Potassium, Sodium & Chloride

9 Other Deficiencies Protein: Kwashiorkor – Fatigue, lethargy,
irratability. Loss of muscle mass. Thiamin: Beriberi- Damage to heart and nervous system. Niacin: Pellagra - Skin sores, diarrhea, dementia. Vitamin C: Scurvy – Anemia, gum disease,weakness. Vitamin A: Night blindness – trouble seeing in low light

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