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ISA Disease In Salmon Nick Surette.

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Presentation on theme: "ISA Disease In Salmon Nick Surette."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISA Disease In Salmon Nick Surette

2 What is ISA Infectious Salmon Anaemia
A disease that affects salmon (mainly atlantic), brown trout, and rainbow trout Non-effective to humans

3 Symtoms Loss of appetite Abnormal swimming patterns
Areas of bleeding on stomach and side of fish Grey gills

4 Where has been found Chile Norway Atlantic Canada Scotland Denmark

5 Links to British Columbia
They didn’t find the whole disease Found parts that cant exist by themselfs

6 What else does ISA affect
Brown trout Rainbow trout Affects these fish the same way as salmon

7 Chile Outbreak happened in 2007 Lost 2 billion dollars
Wiped out fish very fast

8 Saltwater VS Freshwater
More examples of ISA found in saltwater Sea based farms have lost a lot of money to ISA

9 2015 Study 1106 fish sampled Used fish from the United Kingdom markets and from the wild in British Columbia 79 fish were considered “non-negative”

10 Questions?

11 Thank You

12 References

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