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Baltic Sea Festival 2007 Åsa Andersson and Pauli Merriman

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Presentation on theme: "Baltic Sea Festival 2007 Åsa Andersson and Pauli Merriman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baltic Sea Festival 2007 Åsa Andersson and Pauli Merriman
Baltic Sea Scorecard Baltic Sea Festival 2007 Åsa Andersson and Pauli Merriman

2 The unique Baltic Sea One of the youngest seas on the planet.
Largest brackish water body in the world. Particularly sensitive (brackish, shallow, semi- enclosed and cold) Home to a unique mix of fresh and saltwater species. Sustains livelihoods and economies of the 90 million people in the catchment area. 8/9 countries in the EU - EU’s “Mare Nostrum”

3 Background One of the most studied seas in the world – excellent scientific knowledge. Oldest regional seas convention on the planet. Despite a number of conventions and agreements designed to ‘save the sea’: eutrophication, toxic pollution, overexploitation of fish stocks and irresponsible shipping practices continue to threaten the Baltic. The Baltic is one of the most threatened seas in the world!

4 Measuring Performance
Analysis is based on the rate of implementation and / or lack of corresponding actions of international / regional conventions and agreements. Results measure what governments have actually delivered. Have governments taken the actions they promised?

5 Grading Measures performance of 9 coastal Baltic Sea States in five key areas. Maritime Transport Hazardous Substances Biodiversity Eutrophication Fisheries Results are shown in 10 grade levels.

6 Summary Results Average Grades

7 Hazardous Substances Assessment
Ratification and implementation of international pollution agreements: Stockholm Convention Basel Convention Progress in addressing HELCOM Baltic Sea Hot Spots

8 Maritime Transport Assessment = Ratification of 7 internat. shipping conventions / agreements. Oil / chemical spill response OPRC 90 OPRCHNS 2000 HNS Convention Bunkers Convention Fund Protocol Use of antifouling systems & ballast water management AFS BWM

9 Eutrophication Assessment Implementation of EU Nitrates Directive
Implementation of EU Water Framework Directive Implementation of Helsinki Convention Annex III

10 Biodiversity Assessment
Designation of Helcom Baltic Sea Protected Areas Establishment of the Natura 2000 / Emerald sites

11 Fisheries Assessment ICES advice and current status of Baltic Sea commercial fish species Exploitation levels of eastern Baltic Cod ICES advice compared to TAC and actual landings of eastern Baltic cod

12 The scorecards clearly show that none of the countries in the region are performing at an acceptable level.

13 The Baltic Sea deserves better…
…in order to reverse the negative environmental trends, real leadership, concerted action and a new approach is urgently needed.

14 Thanks!

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