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Single-Celled Organisms Single-Celled organisms are simple life-forms They move, find food, grow, and reproduce © LoveLearning 2014.

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3 Single-Celled Organisms
Single-Celled organisms are simple life-forms They move, find food, grow, and reproduce © LoveLearning 2014

4 One-Celled Organisms Amoebas – a kind of animal
One-celled organism with a nucleus Live everywhere Pond water, saltwater, animals, and humans! Six kinds of amoebas are found in the human body Amoebas have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus They move by changing their shape © LoveLearning 2014

5 One-Celled Organisms Algae – plant-like organisms
Live in water, moist places, under rocks Among the oldest things on earth Algae have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, and chloroplasts Algae produce most of the oxygen you breathe! More oxygen then all other plants combined © LoveLearning 2014

6 One-celled organisms Bacteria – one celled organisms with no nucleus
The material that is usually in a nucleus can be found all over the cytoplasm instead More bacteria on earth than any other kind of living thing Some bacteria is helpful, and some is harmful One handful of soil can contain billions of bacteria. © LoveLearning 2014

7 How do single-celled organisms move?
Tail-like parts called flagella Hairlike structures called cilia Paramecium also use their cilia to get food © LoveLearning 2014

8 Single-Celled Organisms
© LoveLearning 2014


10 A living thing that is too small to see without a microscope
Microorganism A living thing that is too small to see without a microscope

11 Microorganisms Microorganisms live everywhere on Earth
Soil, air, water, humans Bacteria make up the largest group of microorganisms Other microorganisms: Fungi, algae, protozoa (amoebas and paramecium) © LoveLearning 2014

12 Harmful Microorganisms
Some harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli can make you sick Found in raw chicken and meat, raw eggs, and other foods If these foods touch other foods, the bacteria can spread Cooking food kills this bacteria, but the bacteria will begin to grow again if the food is left out of the refrigerator for more than two hours Strep throat is caused by harmful bacteria

13 Harmful Microorganisms
A virus is another microorganism that causes diseases Smaller than bacteria Viruses cause colds and diseases, and they change as they reproduce Medicine that kills one virus cannot kill another virus © LoveLearning 2014

14 Harmful Microorganisms
Fungus is another type of microorganism Mold, yeast, mushrooms Harmful mold and fungi can spread through crops and kill them Also rot food and wood Causes different types of skin diseases (athlete’s foot and ringworm) © LoveLearning 2014

15 Helpful Microorganisms
We could not live without microorganisms! Algae and plankton (microscopic plants and animals) float on the surface of the ocean They feed tiny fish, bigger fish eat the tiny fish, etc. © LoveLearning 2014

16 Helpful Microorganisms
1. Help provide us with other kinds of food Bacteria turns milk into yogurt 1 gram of yogurt can contain 1 billion bacteria! Bacteria produces cheese Yeast makes bread, rolls, and cakes rise © LoveLearning 2014

17 Helpful Microorganisms
2. Microorganisms help us digest our food © LoveLearning 2014

18 Helpful Microorganisms
3. Microorganisms produce medicine Penicillin is made from mold © LoveLearning 2014

19 Helpful Microorganisms
4. Make dead things decay Earth would otherwise be covered with a thick layer of dead plants and animals © LoveLearning 2014

20 Living with Microorganisms
Wash hands often and cook food carefully Antibiotics cure diseases caused by bacteria Cannot cure diseases caused by fungi or viruses Can kill both good and bad bacteria Eating yogurt puts back good bacteria in your body © LoveLearning 2014

21 Protect! Don’t Infect!
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