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What we know about Jewish Boomers: Highlights from Two Recent Studies

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1 What we know about Jewish Boomers: Highlights from Two Recent Studies

2 Generations & Re-Generation
Report 1: Generations & Re-Generation David Elcott and Stuart Himmelfarb, B3/The Jewish Boomer Platform and NYU Research Center for Leadership and Action, 2014 More than 12,500 surveys completed across the United States 44% responses from Boomers Report published in 2014

3 Employed and Plan to Remain So
Employment Status Currently work full time 43% Currently work part time 12% Self employed (How is self-employed different than the categories above) Retired 14% Volunteer full time without pay 2% Volunteer part time without pay

4 Employed and Plan to Remain So
Boomers Employment Plans (next 5 years) Begin or change to a new field or career 11% Work part time 16% Retire but do volunteer work on a regular basis Retire fully 4% Continue doing what I am doing now 40%

5 Support Charities Within the previous 12 months:
94% donated to Jewish charities 96% donated to non-Jewish charities 77% had a one-time volunteer experience 67% had an on-going volunteer experience 76% served on a committee, task force, or board

6 For some, identity is becoming more important than 10 years ago
Being Jewish - 21% Being part of a Jewish community - 22% Feeling part of my local community - 18% Belonging to the Jewish people - 17% Being knowledgeable about Jewish issues - 24% Being a spiritual person - 19% Feel more spiritual - 29%

7 Engaged in Jewish Life Boomers’ Jewish Activities Often Some-times
Rarely Never Jewish museum or cultural event (music, performance, etc) 28% 53% 16% 2% Shabbat meal and/or activity 6% 20% 29% 43% Jewish learning 31% 27% 14% Jewish religious services 36% 38% 21% 4% Reading or viewing Jewish information or materials online 50% 34% 12%

8 Should We Stay or Should We Go? Synagogue Empty Nesters on the Edge
Report 2 Should We Stay or Should We Go? Synagogue Empty Nesters on the Edge David Elcott and Stuart Himmelfarb, B3 Platform & NYU for: Synergy, UJA Federation of NY, 2016 Report local to Westchester County, New York 25 synagogue leaders responses 1,284 individuals, mostly synagogue members Report published in 2016

9 Synagogue Members “Committed” Members 49% Reported they never considered leaving the synagogue “On-the-Fence” Members 47% Reported they had considered leaving the synagogue

10 Synagogue Value Former Members On-the-Fence Committed Members
I feel I can get all of the Jewish involvement I want without belonging to a synagogue. 73% 13% 3% I feel I can get all of the Jewish involvement I want without belonging to a Jewish organization. 71% 22% 11% I feel I can get all of the Jewish involvement I want with my family and friends. 69% 16% 10% Nowadays I can get my Jewish involvement online through videos, streaming, and other media. 31% 14% 12%

11 On-the-Fence Members considered leaving because
It is getting too expensive 52% It is not as meaningful as it once was 26% I don’t feel a personal connection there 25% I want to try another synagogue 22% I don’t agree with what is going on at the synagogue 20% I am not happy with the services and rituals 19% As I have gotten older, I don’t think it meets my needs 18% My friends have left 14% We are considering relocating 13% My children have all been Bar or Bat Mitzvah

12 Former Members left because
Synagogue Leaders Lack of connection with clergy 46% -- Children became Bar or Bat Mitzvah 39% 80%+ No children living at home 37% 25% Unhappy with synagogue administration 29% Change in financial status 21% 54%

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