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Francesco Prino INFN – Sezione di Torino
Charged particle pseudorapidity distributions in nucleus-nucleus collisions from SPS to LHC Francesco Prino INFN – Sezione di Torino XLIV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics Bormio, January 31st, 2006 OUTLINE: Physics motivation Experimental requirements and techniques Experimental results from SPS and RHIC Perspectives for ALICE at the LHC
Introduction: Physics motivation
Particle production in nuclear collisions
Particle multiplicity in nucleus-nucleus collisions (= number of particles produced in the collision) = global observable carrying important information about: How initial energy available is redistributed for producing particles in the final state Entropy of the system created in the collision Initial energy density, parton density in the initial state Centrality of the collision Nucleus-nucleus collisions described in multicollision models as a superposition of elementary (nucleon-nucleon) collisions Underlying dynamics of the particle production mechanism Hard processes Large momentum transfer Small distance Interactions at partonic level Governed by perturbative QCD Scale like the number of elementary collisions (Ncoll) Soft processes Small momentum transfer Large distance Described by phenomenological non-perturbative models Scale like the number of participant nucleons (Npart)
Evaluation of Npart and Ncoll
Glauber model calculations: Physical inputs: Woods-Saxon density for colliding nuclei Nucleon-nucleon inelastic cross-section inel Numerical calculation of: Interaction probability, Npart , Nspect, Ncoll vs. impact parameter b r0 (Pb)= 0.16 fm-3 C (Pb)= fm r0 (Pb)= fm Accel. AGS SPS RHIC LHC √s (GeV) 3-5 17 200 5500 sinel 21 33 42 60
Key measurements Scaling of particle multiplicity vs. energy
Change the energy available for particle production Change the number of collision per participant Handle for changing the balance of particle production between soft and hard processes Scaling of particle multiplicity vs. centrality of the collision Change the volume of particle production region ( Npart) Handle for changing the system size Second handle for changing the balance between soft and hard processes Scaling of particle multiplicity for different colliding nuclei Second handle to change the system size
Particle momentum distributions
Particle momenta decomposed Longitudinal momentum (pL) Transverse momentum (pT) Rapidity variable Lorentz invariant Pseudorapidity variable h≈y for large momenta h more easily accessed experimentally
dN/dh – basics pT = pL q = 45 (135) degrees h = ±0.88 pT>pL
Midrapidity peak / plateau Sensitive to hadroproduction details Related to energy density Bjorken formula (requires a “central-plateau structure” in the y distribution of produced particles) Boost-invariant central plateau? Width of the distribution Information on longitudinal expansion and stopping power (stopping vs. transparency) Fragmentation regions Investigate effects connected with target and projectile fragmentation pT = pL q = 45 (135) degrees h = ±0.88 pT>pL pL>>pT
Experimental requirements and techniques
Experimental issues Acceptance: Analysis techniques
Large h coverage to measure particles at mid-rapidity and in fragmentation regions Low pT cut-off if a magnetic field is present Analysis techniques Count fired channels (hits) on detectors NA50, PHOBOS In general 1 hit NOT EQUAL to 1 particle because of: PHYSICAL PROCESSES in the detector volume (multiple occupancy, charge sharing…) INSTRUMENTAL PROBLEMS (electronic noise, cross-talk …) What is done is to count CLUSTERS (i.e. groups of contiguous strips firing together) and apply a correction to go from clusters to crossing particles Measure energy deposition in detector channels NA57, BRAHMS, PHOBOS Correction for Landau distribution of energy deposition required Match hits between 2 detectors (TRACKLETS) PHOBOS More precise alignment and knowledge of primary vertex required Correction for tracking efficiency to be applied Full tracking NA49, STAR
Example: NA50 analysis Silicon microstrip detector measuring
the number and the angular distribution of charged particles produced in the collision 2 Planes (MD1, MD2) each plane made of 2 layers (up/down) 36 azimuthal sectors (=10o) 192 radial strips (=0.02) 6912 strips in each plane Only 128 innermost strips used
NA50 analysis method High multiplicity bin Extract number of particles from number of clusters in bins of h (=0.15) and centrality Cluster size distribution not reproduced by a VENUS+GEANT simulation (only physical clusters) Dedicated MC, aimed at reproducing cluster size distribution observed in data Calculate primary dNch/d. Subtract the delta electron contribution (GEANT) Max. 5% of the occupancy in the most peripheral bin Divide by secondary/primary ratio (extracted from VENUS+GEANT simulation) VENUS+GEANT data reconstructed with the same method as experimental data. 1.2 –1.8 correction factor. Does not depend on centrality. Depends on target thickness, target position, particular MD plane. Large corrections due to thick (3 mm) target
Cross checks (I) Compare results from different detector planes
Average between detector planes Wide coverage Compare results from runs with two different target thicknesses and positions Average between different thicknesses Wider coverage
Cross checks (II) Compare results from 2 independent centrality estimators dN/dh values obtained with ET and EZDC centrality selections agree within 1.5% Both centrality estimators independent of MD ET centrality selection EZDC centrality selection Abreu et al. (NA50 collaboration) Phys. Lett. B530 (2002) 43
Experimental results: width of the distribution
Width of dN/dh distribution (I)
Information on longitudinal expansion and degree of stopping How would an isotropic source emitting at rest look like? FWHM = 1.8
Width vs. centrality at SPS and RHIC
NA50 at 158 GeV/c (√s=17.2 GeV) √s= 200 GeV √s= 130 GeV Gaussian width (FWHM) decreases with increasing centrality Observed also by NA35, WA80, Helios/Emulsion, E802 Stopping power effect Decreasing contribution of protons from target and projectile fragmentation
Width vs. energy NA50 most central Pb-Pb E877 central Au-Au
Available phase space in rapidity increases with √s Fit with the simple scaling law sh = a + b · ln s At SPS energies dN /dh (dN/dy) are twice as large as the one expected from a thermal fireball (Senger and Strobele, nucl-ex/ )
Experimental results: particle density at midrapidity
Midrapidity peak / plateau
The maximum of pseuorapidity distribution (dNch/dh | max ) at hcm=0: Most frequently used variable to characterize the multiplicity of the interaction Independent of phase space acceptance allows comparison between different experiments Increases with collision energy (√s) and centrality central central peripheral peripheral
Scaling with centrality at the SPS (I)
Agreement within 10% among experiments at 158 GeV/c Fit with the power law Values of exponent a between (NA50) and 1.08 (WA98) Depends on the model to calculate Npart (NA50 finds a=1.00 with a Glauber estimation of Npart and with a VENUS estimation) Two-component fit: Values of B compatible with 0
Scaling with centrality at the SPS (II)
Npart describes the centrality dependence of particle production at midrapidity at SPS energies Soft processes dominate particle production at such energies No important contribution from hard processes (as expected) Introduce yield per participant pair: A flat behaviour reflects the linear dependence of dN/dhmax on Npart NA50
Scaling with centrality at RHIC
PHOBOS PRC 2004, nucl-ex/ Yield per participant pair increases by ≈ 25% from peripheral to central Au-Au collisions Contribution of the hard component of particle production ? BUT: The ratio 200 / 19.6 is independent of centrality A two-compoment fit with dN/dh [ (1-x) Npart /2 + x Ncoll ] gives compatible values of x (≈ 0.13) at the two energies.
Warning Npart is not a direct experimental observable and affects the scale of both axes of plots of yield per participant vs. Npart Different methods of evaluating Npart give significantly different results! NA50 at 158 A GeV/c s = 130 GeV
Density at midrapidity vs. energy
WARNING when comparing dN/dhmax between collider and fixed target experiments: pseudo-rapidity h is not boost invariant Conversion from dN/dh|lab to dN/dy (Lorentz invariant) and then to dN/dh|cm dN/dhmax in central heavy ion collisions increases as ln(s) from AGS to top RHIC energies Different √s dependence in pp and heavy ion collisions
Experimental results: total charged multiplicity
Multiplicity vs. density at midrapidity
central peripheral √s= 200 GeV The shape of pseudorapidity distributions is not independent of centrality (Npart) Height increases more than linearly with Npart Width decreases with increasing centrality BUT Height Width ≈ constant
Total multiplicity vs. Npart
Total multiplicity obtained integrating dN/dh distributions Small extrapolation thanks to the wide h coverage of PHOBOS Total charged-particle multiplicity proportional to Npart Total yield per participant is the same as in e+e- collisions at the same energy
Gold vs. copper Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, Npart = 100 PHOBOS 62.4 GeV 200 GeV Au+Au 35-40%,Npart = 98 3-6%, Npart = 96 35-40%, Npart = 99 Unscaled dN/dh very similar for Au-Au and Cu-Cu collisions with the same Npart Compare central Cu-Cu with semi-peripheral Au-Au For the same system size (Npart) Au-Au and Cu-Cu are very similar
Integrated yield vs. energy
Multiplicity in pp collisions lower than in e+e- Understood as due to leading particle effect The outgoing proton takes away a substantial amount of energy 1 Multiplicity in AA collisions Below pp and e+e- at AGS energies Cross through pp at SPS energies Joins e+e- data above top SPS energy No leading particle effect AA collisions at RHIC energies Due to multiple collisions per participant ?
Experimental results: fragmentation regions
Limiting fragmentation
Study particle production in the rest frame of one of the two nuclei Introduce the variable y’ = y - ybeam (or h’ = h – ybeam ) Limiting fragmentation Benecke et al., Phys. Rev. 188 (1969) 2159. At high enough collision energy both d2N/dpTdy and the particle mix reach a limiting value in a region around y’ = 0 Also dN/dh’ reach a limiting value and become energy independent around h’=0 Observed for p-p and p-A collisions In nucleus-nucleus collisions Particle production in the fragmentation region independent of energy, but NOT necessarily independent of centrality
Limiting fragmentation (I)
PHOBOS Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, (2003) Particle production independent of energy in fragmentation regions Extended limiting fragmentation (4 units of h at 200 GeV) No evidence for boost invariant central plateau Spectator emission ?
Limiting fragmentation (II)
Different limiting curves for central and peripheral data Particle production in the fragmentation region changes significantly with centrality The hypothesis of limiting fragmentation does not imply that the limiting curve is independent of centrality BUT both (central and peripheral) energy independent
What have we learned so far ?
Charged particle multiplicities follow simple scaling behaviours Total yield at RHIC energies ≈ Npart multiplicity in e+e- at the same energy Extended (up to 4 h units) fragmentation regions where particle production is independent of energy (BUT not of centrality) No evidence for a boost invariant central plateau also at top RHIC energy From STAR White paper: “Most bulk properties measured appear to fall on quite SMOOTH CURVES with similar results from lower energy collisions…Similarly the centrality dependences observed at RHIC are generally smooth… These experimental results contrast with theoretical speculations and predictions… which often suggested strong energy dependences accompanying the hadron-to-QGP phase transition” Energy density from Bjorken formula and measured dN/dy (dN/dh) at top RHIC energy gives values of ~ 5 GeV/fm3 “well above the critical density (1 GeV/fm3) predicted by Lattice QCD for a transition to the QGP
Perspectives for ALICE at the LHC
Energy dependence and the LHC
Detectors planned for dN/dh > 5000 Saturation model Armesto, Salgado, Wiedemann hep-ph/ dN/dη ~ 1800 dN/dη ~ 1100 Models prior to RHIC Log extrapolation
Limiting fragmentation and the LHC
dN/dη ~ 1800 dN/dη ~ 1100 W. Busza, Zakopane ’04 Limiting fragmentation
Inner Tracking System (ITS) Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
ALICE at the LHC Forward Multiplicity Detector (FMD) Inner Tracking System (ITS) Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
ALICE pseudorapidity coverage
p-p collisions at LHC: s = 14 TeV ybeam = 9.6 Different measurement techniques CLUSTERS on innermost ITS layers (Silicon Pixels) TRACKLETS with 2 innemost layers of ITS (Silicon Pixels) FULL TRACKING (ITS+TPC) ENERGY DEPOSITION in the pads of Forward Multiplicity Detector (FMD)
dN/dh measurement with ITS
Multiplicity from: 2 innermost layers of Silicon Pixel Detectors: Wider h coverage No energy loss information Analysis techniques: Count “clusters” on the 2 layers Count “Tracklets” (associations between 2 layers) L= 97.6 cm Silicon Pixel Detectors (2D) Silicon Drift Detectors (2D) Silicon Strip Detectors (1D) R= 43.6 cm ALICE collab. - Pysics Performance Report - Vol II
dN/dh at mid-rapidity with ITS
dN/dh in |h|<0.5 for: 100 HIJING events Standard noise level No magnetic field zVERTEX = 0 Hits = number of primary particles crossing a layer Number of clusters Lower than generated multiplicity in layer 1 due cluster merging at high multiplicity Enhanced in layer 2 due to secondary particles produced in the inner layer Tracklets Association efficiency decreases with increasing multiplicity
Systematic effects Magnetic field effect Noise level effect
Clusters in layer 1 insensitive to the field low pT tracks do not reach layer 2 Field = 0 best condition to measure multiplicities (looser cut) (tighter cut) Generated mult. Standard noise level Noise level effect Tracklet method more stable against noise level Noise effect almost completely removed at the price of a decrease of efficiency (larger MonteCarlo correction needed)
dN/dh reconstruction in ITS (I)
dN/dh distribution for: 1 central HIJING event (dN/dh = 6000) Standard noise level No magnetic field zVERTEX = 0 With zVERTEX smearing an acceptance correction has to be included
dN/dh reconstruction in ITS (II)
dN/dh distribution for: 300 semi-central HIJING events (dNch/dh ≈ 3000) Standard noise level No magnetic field zVERTEX spread = ± 5 cm + acceptance correction zVERTEX spread allows to increase the h coverage
Thanks to… …and to… …and to…
Tiziano Virgili (NA57), Gunther Roland (PHOBOS) for giving me plots and material …and to… Marek Idzik, Marco Monteno, Marzia Nardi, Luciano Ramello for discussions and clarifications …and to… NA50 and ALICE collaborations
Backup slides
Multiplicity and collision centrality
The impact parameter (b) determines the “centrality” of the event SMALL IMPACT PARAMETER (Central events) Many participant nucleons (large Npart ) and few spectators Many nucleon-nucleon collisions ( large Ncoll ) Big system Many produced particles (~ 5000 at top RHIC energy ) LARGE IMPACT PARAMETER (Peripheral events) Few participant nucleons (small Npart ) and many spectators Few nucleon-nucleon collisions (small Ncoll ) Small system Few produced particles
“Glauber” calculations
Optical approximation Czyz and Maximon, Annals Phys. 52 (1969) 59. Nucleus thickness functions Nucleus-nucleus thickness function Nucleon-nucleon collision probability
PHOBOS Apparatus
Centrality determination in NA50
Two detectors independent from MD to measure event-by-event centrality related observables Electromagnetic calorimeter transverse energy of neutral particles (ET) Zero Degree Calorimeter energy of spectator nucleons (EZDC) Centrality intervals for dN/dh analysis defined in terms of fraction of total inelastic cross section
NA50 analysis method (I) Data selection
Beam cleaning cuts, pile-up rejection, interaction in-target identification Calculation of raw number of particles in each h bin (=0.15) and centrality class Cluster (group of contiguous strips firing together) correction Cluster size distribution not reproduced by a VENUS+GEANT simulation Dedicated MC, aimed at reproducing cluster size distribution observed in data High multiplicity bin Low multiplicity bin
NA50 analysis method (II)
Calculation of primary dNch/d. Subtraction of the delta electron contribution (from GEANT). Max. 5% of the occupancy in the most peripheral bin. Correction with secondary/primary ratio from VENUS+GEANT simulation VENUS+GEANT data reconstructed with the same method as experimental data. 1.2 –1.8 correction factor. Do not depend on centrality. Depend on target thickness, target position, particular MD plane. Large corrections due to thick target Systematic error estimation 8% systematic error on primary charged multiplicity Abreu et al. (NA50 collaboration) Phys. Lett. B530 (2002) 33
Changing the beam energy
ET centrality selection ET centrality selection Pb-Pb at 40 GeV/c (√s=8.77 GeV) Pb-Pb at 158 GeV/c (√s=17.2 GeV) Particle density at the peak increases with available energy Peak position changes (midrapidity = ybeam/2 )
Width of dN/dh distribution (II)
E917 at AGS PHOBOS at RHIC At RHIC energies only 22% of the particles emitted with pT>pL ( |h| < 0.88 ) Incomplete stopping already at AGS energies
Width vs. centrality at RHIC
√s= 200 GeV √s= 130 GeV √s= 19.6 GeV Gaussian width decreases with increasing centrality Same feature observed at SPS energies
Scaling with centrality at the SPS (II)
Factor 1.7 between NA50 and NA57 measurements Quite different experimental conditions and analysis techniques for the different experiments EZDC not available for NA50 at this energy, so not all the cleaning cuts were applied to this data sample NA57 uses the multiplicity to define centrality classes (autocorrelations?) Fit with the power law Values of exponent a between (NA50) and 1.09 (NA57)
Boost invariant central plateau?
Pseudorapidity distorts the distributions for production angles near 0° and 90° Rapidity distributions from BRAHMS at RHIC very similar to data at lower energies and well represented by gaussian fits No evidence of a plateau at midrapidity
dNch/dh in p-p LHC C. Jorgensen
Predictions before RHIC startup Predictions before LHC startup
2000 4000 6000 8000 dNch / dy 10000 Predictions before RHIC startup Predictions before LHC startup
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