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CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

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1 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Status of CTF3 G.Geschonke CERN CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

2 Contributions (September 2008)
to be updated!! CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

3 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
New contributions Ciemat: tanks and assembly of 3 more PETS 100 k€ (without rods and brazed parts) IFIC Valencia: all Beam position monitors for TBL, UPC Barcelona: all BPM analog electronics LAPP: All digital electronics for TBL BPMs + developments for CLIC 4. CLIC/CTF3 Objet Matériel Main d'oeuvre Prix MO Total Remarques (k€) (hommes-mois) 4.1 Participations aux études et instrumentation faisceau 12 107,04 CEA Participations au design des cavités 4.2.1 CLIC module 249 6 53,5 302,5 4.2.2 12 GHz RF network components for 8 PETS in TBL 218 5 44,6 262,6 Construction d'un test stand 12 GHz 4.3.1 Modulateur 398 107,0 505,0 4.3.2 Compresseur de pulse RF 156 263,0 4.3.3 Réseau et composants RF 50 1 8,9 58,9 4.4.1 Participation to the stabilisation of optical elements Instrumentation spécifique (LAPP/CNRS) 74 36 321,1 395,1 CNRS 4.4.2 Instrumentation spécifique (IRFU/CEA) 157,0 4.5 Studies on CLIC positron sources (LAL) 24 Sous-total 1195 120 856,1 2051,1 French white paper contribution: CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

4 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
New collaborations II Greece: NTU Athens : Two senior physicists, two students for two years University Patras: Two senior engineers, two students for two years University patras: One senior physicist, one senior engineer, two students for two years University Karlsruhe: 0.2 FTE SC specialists, PhD student CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

5 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Present CTF3 status 2004 2005 Thermionic gun Linac DL CR 2006/7 CLEX building in 2006/7 30 GHz production (PETS line) and test stand Photo injector / laser tests from Oct. 2008 TL2 2008 CLEX building: Everything installed (except TBL) Commissioning started CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

6 Status CLEX (CLIC Experimental Area)
existing building Beam from CR/TL2 Test Beam Line TBL Two Beam Test Stand Probe Beam All Beam lines installed, except TBL and operated with beam ! (ITB is not part of the base-line programme) CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

7 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Organisation Project management at CERN regular installation / operation meetings CTF3 Committee Monthly meetings on Thursday afternoon, participation via WebEx possible CTF3 Collaboration meeting Plenary meeting once a year, well attended by almost all collaborating institutes last: January 2009 With the machine almost finished, shall we continue? (I think yes ) CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

8 New installations: RF deflectors
CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

9 CTF3 combiner ring - latest status
Recombination at higher current achieved DL bypassed (no holes, missing factor 2) 2nd turn of 1st pulse and 1st turn of 2nd pulse 1st turn of 1st pulse 3rd turn of 1st pulse, 2nd turn of 2nd pulse, 1st turn of 3rd pulse All 4 pulses 280 ns Current (A)

10 New Installation: Tail clipper
shorten bunch trains into CLEX Beam dump after Combiner Ring beam from CR strip-line kicker CIEMAT Beam to CLEX movable beam dump (CERN) CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

11 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Tail Clipper Strip-line kicker Pulser CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

12 New installation: Tail Clipper II
A combination of internal and external shielding was implemented in the design: Internal: A Cu absorber (12cm) was added downstream to the graphite core The absorbed dose in the quadrupole magnet was reduced to 18MGy after one year operation External: 10cm-thick lead plate added downstream the TCC CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

13 CDR Experiment after Combiner Ring
CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

14 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
CDR Experiment • Installed the interferometer (right hand picture) • Photo diode (incl. beam splitter) in the OTR optical line installed (left hand picture) First signals observed ! CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

15 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Probe Beam Overall responsibility of IRFU (DAPNIA), CEA, Saclay, RF gun responsibility of LAL 200 MeV bunch charge 0.5 nC number of bunches 15 MV/m compression 17 MV/m acceleration LIL sections beam dump focusing coils K quadrupoles Laser RF pulse compression 2 x 45 MW 10 20 25 profile monitor position monitor steerer rf gun cavity spect. magnet RF deflector C A L I F E S A. Mosnier, CEA Dapnia CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

16 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Klystron and BOC Califes Photo Injector waveguide RF distribution Accelerating sections RF deflector for diagnostics CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

17 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Califes Second commissioning phase from 30th of March to 9th of April 2009 A laser system in a nearly perfect reliable working state (no longer use of the dark current) Missing: power phase shifter of the section 1 (its construction progresses carefully) Laser pulses 7 ns (10 bunches) QE = 0.5%, 0.2 nC/bunch UV Laser energy/bunch: 0.29 mJ (nominal 1.93) Optics measurements started reentrant cavity BPS commissioned CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

18 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Two Beam test Stand All hardware installed ! Commissioning with beam ongoing Beam in both lines up to end ! PETS (CERN) was installed in October, first accelerating structure in 2009 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

19 PETS high power tests at CERN (TBTS)
Model with time dependant coupling and phase Igor Syratchev Model with constant coupling and phase Event with breakdown coupling Event with breakdown phase The full scale PETS testing will be restarted in June 2009

20 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

21 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Test Beam Line TBL High energy-spread beam transport decelerate to 50 % beam energy Drive Beam stability Stability of RF power extraction total power in 16 PETS: 2.5 GW Alignment procedures PETS design 5 MV/m deceleration (35 A) 165 MV output Power PETS development: CIEMAT BPM: IFIC Valencia and UPC Barcelona 2 standard cells, 16 total CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

22 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
TBL Prototype PETS + vacuum tank (CIEMAT) installed Precision quadrupole movers are being built by CIEMAT, three installed CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

23 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
TBL All quadrupole magnets (BINP) at CERN Prototype BPM (BPS) installed, tested. Series ordered (IFIC) Read-out electronics will be provided by UPC and LAPP All vacuum equipment available In summary: everything covered, except 15 PETS Tender for 7 more will go out in the next weeks (only bars) three tanks + assembly at Ciemat the remaining 4 to be taken care of by CERN installation summer 2010 Eight to be ordered in 2010. CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

24 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Photo Injector - laser smaller emittance, faster phase coding, no “satellite bunches” LAL CERN RAL Cs2Te photo cathode 3% QE 40 hours life time pulse train: 1.5 ms, charge per bunch: 2.33 nC bunch spacing 0.67 ns number of bunches: 2332 diode pumped Nd:YLF laser 10 mJ IR / bunch 0.37 mJ UV on cathode /bunch Laser made enormous progress: PHIN: about 2/3 of nominal energy on cathode (360 nJ, 250 nJ nominal)  nominal charge/bunch 2.3 nC Califes: 200 nJ / 900 nominal Laser line finished (DEPARTEMENT DE PHYSICO-CHIMIE, DEN/Saclay  0.2 nC Phase-coding missing CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

25 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke
Status of the PHIN photoinjector PHIN-2 gun brazed at LAL – tested o.k. - delivery of PHIN-2 gun from LAL to CERN: 20 May preparation for bake-out, installation + assembly (with help from LAL – MERCI!), waveguides, etc. ? ready in September ? – yes ! RF conditioning: started in October shutdown (klystron shared with Combiner Ring deflectors) CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

26 Photoinjector PHIN very successful runs end 2008/2009
With beam very successful runs end 2008/2009 transverse optics + beam-loading studies long-term behavior (Qe) to be studied Phase coding to be demonstrated PHIN design achieved Apr. 2009 RF power [MW] unloaded 13 beam energy [MeV] 5-6 5.3 number of bunches 1908 3000 bunch spacing [ps] 666.7 charge per bunch [nC] 2.3 ~ repetition rate [Hz] 5 0.8 bunch length FWHM [ps] < 10 < 10 ? rms. energy spread [%] < 2 0.5 n. emittance [p mm mrad] < 25 5-7 vacuum pressure [mbar] < 2 x 10-10 < 4 x 109 (no NEC)

27 12 GHz stand-alone Test-Stand
schedule from last September: Project Meeting 08/2008 27 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

28 RF power testing 12 GHz stand-alone power source
klystron is being produced at SLAC Final tests at SLAC: December 2009 Delivery to CERN: March 2010 Modulator to be ordered by IRFU (white paper) ???? starts to be on the critical path all the rest is on track 30 GHz programme is coming to an end in 2009 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke Derived from NLC 11.4 GHz klystron

29 Except TBL all beam lines are complete
Conclusions Exciting year ahead for operation: Full bunch combination with phase-coding, Delay Loop and Combiner Ring Operate Two-Beam Test Stand for structure / PETS tests Continue Califes commissioning Test TBL PETS Except TBL all beam lines are complete 12 GHz power stand on critical path Very good perspectives to meet our goals in 2010 CTF3 Collaboration Board May 2009 G.Geschonke

30 CTF3 operation 1 staff + 1 fellow + 1 Research Associate operate routinely the machine + support from other staff partially + 1 fellow for stability/feed-back studies 1 white paper post to be opened now maximize run time by 2 ‘shifts’ per day presently not done any more Supervision of linac by shift operators foreseen and starting Weekly supervisor to coordinate activity Daily commissioning meeting Remarks: Work concentrated on commissioning of new components Increased complexity Higher demand for availability of components Full recombination (DL + CR) to be demonstrated Operation becomes more demanding in terms of stability Review the performance and identify bottlenecks

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