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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

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2 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Matthew 5:4 January 22, 2017

3 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Happy are the people whose God is the Lord – Psalm 144:15 What is God to His people?

4 What is God to his people?
God is the protector. 144:2 God is the watcher. 144:3-4 God is the deliverer. 144:5-8 God is the savior. 144:9-10 God is the avenger. 144:11-14 God is the provider of happiness to His people. 144:15

5 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
God’s People are Blessed. The Truly Blessed take Action as God requires. Romans 6:4 James 2:18 Matthew 5:3-12

6 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

7 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
What does it mean to mourn? Greek - πενθέω – PENTHEO Means to grieve Mourn – to manifest grief too deep for concealment Mark 16:10 James 4:8-9

8 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
What does it mean to mourn? Mourning over sin fits the definition and New Testament usage. 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 2 Corinthians 12:21

9 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
What is being mourned? Sin Those who mourn are “those who, feeling their spiritual poverty, mourn after God, lamenting the iniquity that separated them from the fountain of blessedness.” –Adam Clarke

10 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
People should mourn their sins. Ezekiel 7:16 James 4:8-9 Sick need a Doctor Matthew 9:12 Should lead to repentance 2 Corinthians 7:6-12

11 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Sufferings are being mourned. Affliction of God’s people. 2 Corinthians 1:4, 6-7 The Trials they endure James 1:2-3 1 Peter 1:7

12 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Those who mourn are blessed. This seems like a paradox. How can people be happy if they are mourning. These people have God as their God

13 Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn They Shall Be Comforted

14 They Shall Be Comforted
What does it mean to be comforted? Greek word - παρακαλέω – PARAKALEO Means to call near Literally to call to one’s side Has 6 New Testament usages.

15 They Shall Be Comforted
What comfort is being received? Gospel gives comfort Isaiah 61:1-3 Luke 4:18

16 They Shall Be Comforted
Brethren give comfort. (2 Corinthians 7:6-13) Paul’s letter made them sorry – 8 Sorrow lead to repentance Paul comforted by mourning – 7 Titus comforted - 13

17 They Shall Be Comforted
Faith gives comfort – 1 Thessalonians 3:7 Resurrection gives comfort Acts 20:12 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

18 They Shall Be Comforted
Paradise gives comfort Lazarus Luke 16:25 Rest and comfort Matthew 11:28-30 No tears Revelation 21:4

19 They Shall Be Comforted
God gives comfort 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Those who mourn are comforted. 2 Corinthians 13:11

20 Invitation Christians Repent - Acts 8:22, Revelation 2:5
Confess - James 5:16, 1 John 1:9 Pray - Acts 8:24, James 5:16

21 Invitation Non - Christians Hear – Romans 10:17, Acts 18:8,
Believe – Romans. 10:9-10, Hebrews 11:6 Repent – Luke 13:3,5 Acts 17:30 Confess – Acts 8:37, Matthew 10:32 Be Baptized – Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-5 Be Faithful – Revelation 2:10, Hebrews 10:35


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