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T.L. Brink Crafton Hills College Yucaipa CA

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1 T.L. Brink Crafton Hills College Yucaipa CA 92399 tlbrink@

2 a Retrospective and Prospective Self-Report
Religiosity: a Retrospective and Prospective Self-Report

3 Religiosity: retrospective & prospective


5 Not about which religious tradition one adheres to …
Religiosity Not about which religious tradition one adheres to …

6 Religiosity

7 About how religious one is.
Religiosity About how religious one is.

8 Religiosity


10 Religiosity: countries

11 one item measures of religiosity are commonly employed
Norenzayan & Hansen (2006) one item measures of religiosity are commonly employed

12 How important would you say religion is in your own life?
Religiosity (Gallup, 2013) How important would you say religion is in your own life?

13 Religiosity norms (Gallup, 2013)
Very 55% Fairly 26% Not very 19%

14 Religiosity Gallup Norms This sample

15 Religiosity

16 Norris & Inglehart (2004) Religiosity is decreasing because modern society provides more “existential security”

17 “the worldwide secular trend is irreversible”
Bruce (2011) “the worldwide secular trend is irreversible”

18 Ecklund (2010) Under-represented in the ranks of scientists: Catholics Evangelical Protestants Black Protestants

19 Ecklund (2010) Over-represented in the ranks of scientists: Atheists & Agnostics Jews & Liberal Protestants

20 Is there a decline in religiosity within the millennial cohort?
Question #1 Is there a decline in religiosity within the millennial cohort?

21 Question #2 If so, is this a historical trend or merely a phase for this cohort’s young adulthood?


23 Two in Southern California
Four studies Over last 18 months Two in Southern California (March & October 2014) Two in Mexico (June 2015)

24 First two studies at this site
Crafton Hills College

25 “Inland Empire” Between Los Angeles & Palm Springs

26 “Inland Empire” San Bernardino & Riverside Counties
Between Los Angeles & Palm Springs San Bernardino & Riverside Counties

27 Population Riverside 300k San Bernardino 210k Redlands 70k
Highland k Yucaipa k Beaumont k Banning k

28 Population Riverside 300k minor San Bernardino 210k minor
Redlands k major Highland k major Yucaipa k major Beaumont k minor Banning k minor

29 Household Income Redlands $58k Riverside $42k Highland $41k
Beaumont $40k Yucaipa $39k Banning $32k San Bernardino $20k

30 Adults with BA degrees California 30% Redlands 38% Riverside 20%
San Bernardino 11%

31 Based on enrollment data from Fall 2011
Population Based on enrollment data from Fall 2011

32 Between 5,500 and 6,500 over past five years
Enrollment Between 5,500 and 6,500 over past five years

33 Enrollment Full-Time = 12+ units 37.3% Part-Time = under 12 units

34 Gender Male 49% Female 51%

35 Age Under % 20 – % 25 – % 30 – % 35 – % 40 – % 50 or older % Unknown %

36 Median and Modal category of 20-24
Age Median and Modal category of

37 Ethnicity Asian 5% African Am 6.3% Hispanic 34.8% Native Am 0.6%
Caucasian % Unknown %

38 Transfer to U.C. Riverside Cal State S.B. U of Redlands Loma Linda U
Cal Baptist U

39 Career & Technical Fire Science Paramedic Respiratory Radiography
Child Dev

40 Represented + Seventh-day Adventist + Latter Day Saint
+ Roman Catholic + Evangelical Christian

41 Under-Represented Jehovah’s Witness Jewish Muslim Buddhist

42 Under-Represented Hindu Jain Sikh Zoroastrian

43 sample CHC #1 N = 107

44 sample CHC #1 N = 107 Males = 42%

45 sample CHC #1 78% under age 25

46 Op def CHC #1 Over the past five years, has your level of religion (spirituality) declined, increased or remained the same?

47 Op def CHC #1 Over the next ten years, will your level of religion (spirituality) declined, increased or remained the same?


49 RESULTS #1 Increasing = 51% Stable = 38% Decreasing = 10%


51 RESULTS #1 P < .001 Kolmogorov- Smirnov

52 sample CHC #2 N = 73

53 sample CHC #2 N = 73 Males = 42%

54 sample CHC #2 majority under age 20

55 sample CHC #2 SDA = 5% Catholic = 11% Christian = 44%

56 sample CHC #2 Other Rel = 14% None = 36%

57 Op def CHC #2 On a scale of 0 to 10, how religious

58 Op def CHC #2 On a scale of 0 to 10, how spiritual

59 Op def CHC #2 Are you now? Were you at 14? Will you be in ten years?


61 RESULTS #2 Correlation Rel now & Rel future +.93

62 RESULTS #2 Age 14 = 5.6 Present = 4.9 Future = 5.9


64 RESULTS #2 P < .001 Friedman


66 DIP


68 FLAT 14%



71 PEAK 1%

72 RESULTS #2 Rise 37% Dip 25% Fall 23% Flat 14% Peak 1%


74 Next two studies at Mexican sites
Gerontology Conference & Private University




78 UCSJ Fundado 1979

79 UCSJ Alumnos 1,582




83 Sample size UCSJ N = 58 CIIVE N = 22

84 Percent male CIIVE 22% UCSJ 34%

85 Median Age UCSJ 21 CIIVE 23

86 Mitofsky December 2014


88 Religioso National norm 7.1

89 Religioso National norm 7.1 Vs. 7.8 (2001)


91 Correlations Rel now & Rel future +.89

92 Rel UCSJ now 3.0 2 Mean Median Mode

93 Rel UCSJ future 3.6 2 Mean Median Mode

94 Rel CIIVE now 6.1 8 Mean Median Mode

95 Rel CIIVE future 6.5 8 10 Mean Median Mode

96 RESULTS 7.1 3.0 3.6 6.1 6.5 Rel Variable Mitofsky UCSJ now UCSJ future
CIIVE now CIIVE future Rel 7.1 3.0 3.6 6.1 6.5


98 Significant Difference?
between present & future?

99 UCSJ Religiosity Present vs. Future p < .05

100 CIIVE Religiosity Present vs. Future p > .10

101 Significant Difference?
between groups?

102 Present Religiosity UCSJ vs. CIIVE p < .001

103 Present Religiosity UCSJ vs. CIIVE Cohen’s d = -1.17 Hedge’s g = -1.33

104 Future Religiosity UCSJ vs. CIIVE p < .001

105 Future Religiosity UCSJ vs. CIIVE Cohen’s d = -1.07 Hedge’s g = -1.18


107 Conclusions Millennials (especially at UCSJ) have lower levels of religiosity than national norms

108 Conclusions Millennials predict that their levels of religiosity will rise in the future

109 Explanation These findings must be explained in the personal and social functions of religion.

110 Riesebrodt (2010) "a complex of practices that are based on the premise of the existence of superhuman powers …

111 Riesebrodt (2010) "a complex of practices that are based on the premise of the existence of superhuman powers, whether personal or impersonal, that are generally invisible"

112 Riesebrodt (2010) "all religions claim to have the ability to avert misfortune, overcome crises, and provide salvation." (p. 89)

113 “DERMS” definition of Carmody & Brink (2013)

114 Religion is a system of doctrines ethics rituals myths symbols
for the expression of ultimate relevance

115 Carmody & Brink (2013) “Perhaps it is more appropriate to view religion as a series of choices that individuals and communities make …”

116 Which doctrines to accept?
Carmody & Brink (2013) Which doctrines to accept?

117 Which ethics to follow? Carmody & Brink (2013)
Which doctrines to accept? Which ethics to follow?

118 Which rituals to practice?
Carmody & Brink (2013) Which doctrines to accept? Which ethics to follow? Which rituals to practice?

119 Which myths to retell? Carmody & Brink (2013) Which ethics to follow?
Which doctrines to accept? Which ethics to follow? Which rituals to practice? Which myths to retell?

120 Carmody & Brink (2013) Which myths to retell? Which ethics to follow?
Which doctrines to accept? Which ethics to follow? Which rituals to practice? Which myths to retell? Which symbols to revere?

121 Carmody & Brink (2013) Which symbols to revere?
Which doctrines to accept? Which ethics to follow? Which rituals to practice? Which myths to retell? Which symbols to revere? Which persons will lead us?

122 Carmody & Brink (2013) “The behavioral components of religion (ritual, ethics) are more important than doctrine.”

123 Carmody & Brink (2013) “Although it is doctrine that gives us the cognitive reframing that enables religion to bring new understanding of ourselves and our conditions …”

124 Carmody & Brink (2013) “it is the dozens of daily inspired acts of self-restraint (ethics) and communal celebration (ritual) that enable people to grow in their commitments.”

125 “Religion is more action than thought …”
Carmody & Brink (2013) “Religion is more action than thought …”

126 Carmody & Brink (2013) “Religion is more action than thought, more process than product” p. 386

127 Ecklund (2010) A quarter of scientists who identified themselves as atheists or agnostics nevertheless identified themselves as spiritual.

128 Longitudinal study of religiosity over the life cycle
Dillon & Wink (2009) Longitudinal study of religiosity over the life cycle

129 Ellison & Burdette (2012) A sense of control is positively correlated with most aspects of religion (e.g., attendance, afterlife)

130 Ellison & Burdette (2012) A sense of control is positively correlated with most aspects of religion (e.g., attendance, afterlife) but other aspects are negatively correlated (e.g., sin, literalism)

131 Gebauer, Sedikides & Neberich (2012)
Religiosity has psychological benefits, but only in those societies where religiosity is seen as a virtue.

132 The epidemic of depression is due to loss of reliance on religion.
Brink (1993) The epidemic of depression is due to loss of reliance on religion.

133 Ancient Christian Wisdom and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy
Trader (2011) Ancient Christian Wisdom and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Therapy

134 Future Research Larger sample Instructions Sites Other variables

135 Future Research Religious studies must use qualitative (e.g., focus groups, ethnographies) in addition to, rather than instead of, quantitative methods (Brink, 1995)

136 Future Research The next cycle of research should utilize qualitative methods (e.g., participant observation, focus groups) to figure out the relationships between religious components and the cultural context in which they are accepted (Brink, 1999).

137 T.L. Brink Crafton Hills College Yucaipa CA 92399 tlbrink@


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