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Chapters Included sections are indicated in the syllabus.

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1 Chapters 1-13. Included sections are indicated in the syllabus.
Textbook : Chemistry for Engineering Students”, Brown and Holme, 2th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2011. Chapters Included sections are indicated in the syllabus. My website is at It will carry your grades and other info. So visit regularly. Grade breakdown: Lab % 10 – Previous lab grade may be accepted – See your lab instructor Quizzes – %10 – 4 out of 6 online quizzes will be taken into account 2 Midterm exams – %20 each –at preannounced dates Final exam – % 40 – at a preannounced date NOTES: Any student with incomplete lab will get NA Any student with a lab grade lower than 6.00/10 will get FF You should attend at least 60% of lectures. Failure to do this will lead to NA

2 Other Info: Office: My office is at SZ-44 and my phone number is You can visit me during my office hours or call to arrange a meeting. Use your METU mail address to contact me. My computer filters out all others.

3 Chemistry is (mostly) an experimental science and has important practical applications. It is encountered in all aspects and areas of modern technology. Furthermore, being a positive science, it develops one’s ability to reason, experiment and conclude; thus opening up possibilities for further advancement. This aspect of chemistry contributes to development of mankind. Finally it lends its ideas and facts to other fields of science, thus globalising knowledge as we know today. This is why it is usually called “The Central Science”.

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