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Presentation on theme: "CCA-CFA 6TH GRADE PARENT NIGHT"— Presentation transcript:

August 29, 2017

2 Character Education @ CCA

3 Great times at Haw River State Park!
6th grade field trips Haw River State Park (we need drivers!!) UNC-Chapel Hill September 15th, $ December 7th, about $15 Raleigh Museums Trip Science & History Museum, March 9th, about $25 Theatre Trip (Play) location/title/date TBA, about $10 Camp Don Lee in Arapahoe, NC May 14th-16th, about $280 per student End of year pool party and field day! Typically no cost, during last week of school Great times at Haw River State Park!

4 FUNDRAISERS ** Attractions Books ** Other options possible
if parents wish to manage! ** World’s Finest Chocolate (Candy-cane sales, car washes, bake sales, etc.) ** Poinsettia sale Students and chaperones can raise enough to pay for all field trips

5 DRESS CODE Outerwear Socks Belts How long is long?
Official Uniforms Days

6 NWEA MAP Tests Middle School Test is a new test!
Students will not take Science NWEA this year. 50th Percentile scores by subject and time of year: Subject: Fall Winter Spring Math 217.6 222.1 225.3 Reading 211 214.2 215.8 Language Arts 210.7 213.9 215.3

7 HOMEWORK For core classes, you should expect approximately 90 minutes of homework each night on average this year. There will be math homework most nights including some weekends. Students should be reading minutes every night and completing a signed log. History and Science - as assigned **ANYTHING NOT COMPLETED IN CLASS, STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISHING AT HOME (THIS INCLUDES NOTES)

8 Use these to keep up to date!
Teacher’s Websites Use these to keep up to date! Mr. Goetz - Mrs. Harris - Mrs. Martin - Mrs. McGinnis -

9 PARENT EXPECTATIONS Show your child how to check our websites
Allow your child to be the one to put their completed homework in a safe place to return to school Check PowerSchool often, as our grades are updated frequently This is the best way to check on academic progress Please remember that we may not reply to s after 5pm on weekdays or over the weekend, unless there are extenuating circumstances. With that in mind, we may not check our , because we love life :) We feel that you are essential to your child’s learning and motivation, so let’s truly partner in the education of these kids! Remember - you will always be their teacher!

10 Any Questions?


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