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Chapter 8 Seedless Plants.

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1 Chapter 8 Seedless Plants

2 https://video. search. yahoo
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3 Characteristics Rhizoids instead of roots Do not have flowers or cones
Reproduce by spores Grow in damp places

4 Examples of seedless non vascular plants
Mosses- largest group, some can live in the desert Liverworts- means herb, thought to cure diseases of the liver Hornworts- 1 chloroplast per cell, have spore structures that look like horns

5 Importance of seedless nonvascular plants
Can withstand drought Grow in thin soil Pioneer species

6 Seedless Vascular Plants
Ferns- largest group. Leaves called fronds Club Mosses- used to make wreaths and decorations Horsetails- stems contain silica

7 Importance of seedless vascular plants
When they decompose they form coal Forms peat that can be used as an energy source Ferns are house plants Food source

8 Importance of seedless vascular plants
Used to treat bee stings, burns, fevers, and even dandruff Used to polish and sharpen tools and scour utensils

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