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ECE362 Principles of Design The System Engineering Process

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1 ECE362 Principles of Design The System Engineering Process
Requirements System Environment

2 Requirements Overview
This unit overlaps and utilizes the ideas of the previous units, to assemble the metaclasses into requirements supporting structures, emphasizing the HLR Process. Content: Requirements versus design High level requirements (HLR) process Detail level requirements (DLR) process Analysis: decomposition of functions, states, systems Assembling specification documents

3 Requirements-design iteration
Customer/Market Needs Available Technologies Design Specification (“Design”) Requirements Specification (“Analysis”) design impacts requirement structure refinement refinement

4 Engineering processes
This section will particularly focus on model-based methodology for representing high level requirements and high level design frameworks.

5 Requirements (or PDS) Statements at external boundary of subject system What we want the system to be or do System Environment

6 Design Statements about internal physical components and their interaction relationships How we are going to meet requirements System Environment

7 Interfaces Connect internal components to external components or actors Help us group attributes and behaviors seen externally System Environment

8 Inside vs. outside Design Interfaces Requirements
Requirement statement Design statement Detailed requirement statement Detailed design statement More detailed requirement statement More detailed design statement Design Requirements Interfaces Environment System Detail does not equal design

9 Inside vs. outside, continued
Reference boundaries One person’s design is another person’s requirement System Environment

10 An SE benefits “sweet spot”
The High Level Requirements (HLR) and High Level Design (HLD) processes require less time and effort than their detailed counterparts. However, there is typically a very high return on this investment. Many organizations utilize extensive detailed specifications, but don’t have HLR and HLD specifications. This means that there is not a unifying framework structure, shared mentally by all concerned, that simplifies and organizes the detailed specifications. HLR/HLD is a “sweet spot” in the SE process, because it can rapidly begin digging an organization out of problems caused by this lack.

11 Generic HLR Process Generic (unconfigured) HLR Processes:
Identify Stakeholder (Customer) Needs Process Identify System Environment Process Identify Features, Services Process Identify Use Cases Process Identify Functions Process Identify Scenarios Process Analyze Logical Architecture Process Repository and Specification Assembly Process (Validation and verification are associated with most of these processes) Refer to process framework drawings in handouts.

12 Identify stakeholder needs
Stakeholders are people or organizations with an interest (stake) in the system being specified: Customers Users Operators Maintainers Company Owners Regulators Others

13 Identify system environment
System environment diagram: Subject System--system whose requirements are to be specified Actors--interacting systems external to the Subject System Boundary defines system by defining what it is not--listing the external interacting actors Often harder than it looks: Often skipped as “obvious” Later source of confusion Actor Actor Actor Subject System Actor Actor

14 Identify system environment
Domain diagram identifies relationships between actors that are important to system requirements Explicitly models “domain knowledge” about the environment Establishes the semantics of the subject system specification to follow Actor Actor Actor Subject System Actor Actor

15 Systematica, Gestalt Rules, Return on Variation are trademarks of System Sciences, LLC.

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