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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Automata Theory?
An automaton is an abstract model of a digital computer. Alan Turing (1912--‐1954) Father of modern computer science English mathematician Studied abstract machines called Turing machines even before computers existed

3 Finite Automata Finite automata are computing devices that accept or recognize regular languages.


5 Finite state machine Let think about a soda vending machine which accept only 5 and 10 Baht coin. A soda bottle cost 30 Baht. Now we have 7 states to put the coin. Start state need 30 Baht, next state need 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, and a final state need 0 Baht. Let draw a state diagram for the machine

6 FSM ={5,10} State diagram

7 DFA and NFA Finite automata have two types
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

8 Example DFA Regular expression r over ={a,b} r = (a+b)*bb(a+b)* Draw a state diagram of r Step 1 : Think about the smallest string , should be bb

9 Step 2 : Think about (a+b). in front of bb
Step 2 : Think about (a+b)* in front of bb. It should be aaaaaabb or abababababbb Step 3 : After bb , we can have anything.

10 Example L is a language over ={a,b} which have the even number of a and even number of b Step1:  is in L, aa, bb, abab, aaabab, aabb, aaaa, aaaabb, aabbaa … are in L. We should have 4 states. 1) # of a and # of b is even 2) # of a is even and # of b is odd 3) # of a is odd and # of b is even 4) # of a is odd and # of b is odd

11 From start state , if get one b then #of b is odd and #of a is even
From start state , if get one b then #of b is odd and #of a is even. If get another b the #of b is even and # a is even.

12 From start state , if get one a then #of a is odd and #of b is even
From start state , if get one a then #of a is odd and #of b is even. If get another a the #of a is even and # b is even.

13 From state EaOb, if get one a then #of a is odd and #of b is odd
From state EaOb, if get one a then #of a is odd and #of b is odd. If get another a the #of a is even and # b is odd.

14 From state OaOb, if get one b then #of b is even and #of a is odd
From state OaOb, if get one b then #of b is even and #of a is odd. If get another b the #of b is odd and # a is odd.

15 Example R = (aa(a+b) +aaba)* DFA :
Step 1 :  in R , so that start state is a final state , then get aaa and finish.

16 R = (aa(a+b) +aaba)* DFA : Step 2 : get aab and finish.

17 R = (aa(a+b) +aaba)* DFA : Step 3 : get aabaab and finish.

18 R = (aa(a+b) +aaba)* DFA : Step 4 : get aabaaa and finish.

19 R = (aa(a+b) +aaba)* DFA : Step 5 : get aabaaaa and finish.

20 R = (aa(a+b) +aaba)* DFA : Step 6 : get aabaaab and finish.

21 Example A regular expression R = (a+b)*aa(a+b)* + (a+b)*bb(a+b)*
draw a NFA state diagram

22 Try this Draw a DFA state diagram from the given regular expression
R1 = (aa(a+b)*+(a+b)*bb) R2 = (a+b)*bb(a+b)* R3 = (a+b)*b(a+b)*b(a+b)* R4 = a(a+b)*b(a+b)*a R5 = (a+b+c)*bc(a+b+c)* R6 = (aa+ab+ba+bb)* R7 = (aa+ab+ba+bb)*(a+b) R8 = (1+01)(1+01)*

23 R1 = (aa(a+b)*+(a+b)*bb)



26 Combined them together , we get the final solution for R1 = (aa(a+b)
Combined them together , we get the final solution for R1 = (aa(a+b)*+(a+b)*bb) :


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