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“A Very Healthy Way to Shop” TM

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1 “A Very Healthy Way to Shop” TM
Group 4: M. Wilhoite, S. Allred, J. Iverson, B. Larsen

2 What is Two-part business
Health, Beauty & Wellness Retailer Online Pharmacy 1 million customer accounts

3 Health, Beauty & Wellness
20,000+ products (3X small drugstores) OTC Medicines Beauty & Spa Nutrition & Wellness Personal Care Specialty Stores Information Company-generated newsletter w/ wellness, health, beauty advice, tips

4 Pharmacy Fills prescriptions Prescriptions mailed or phoned in
Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites certification by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Accepts many insurance plans within PCS network Provides information View prescription history, health profiles, order status, insurance info Find drug prices & information

5 Value Propositions Health & Beauty
Lower prices, on average, than nat’l chains In-depth product information reminders to replenish regularly used products Interaction with customer service reps via phone or Personal Shopping Lists Private access to beauty experts 100% return guarantee

6 Value Propositions Pharmacy Open 24/7 Same-day pickup at Rite Aid
Private access to pharmacists reminders for refills Online health history archive & interaction notification In-depth information on drugs and drug prices

7 Business Overview Ownership 28% 24% Rite Aid
16% Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers 8% GNC 6% Vulcan Ventures 5% Peter Neupert

8 Management Team Peter Neupert, Chmn. Of the Board, Pres. & CEO
Former MSFT MSNBC guru Jeff Bezos, Brook Byers, John Doerr, Howard Schultz, William Savoy, Directors David Rostov, CFO Former CFO Nextel Kal Raman, CIO Former director info systems Blockbuster & director int’l div. Wal-Mart

9 The Mail Order Pharmaceutical Industry
and the The Online Pharmacy Industry

10 The Facts Total Market Value = $145.8 Billion in Sales (Acute and chronic maintenance) PBM’s Control 75% of Drug sales 3 PBM’s control 43% of Market 400 Online Pharmaceutical Sites HBA helps drive traffic to the sites Source: Forresters, WSJ

11 The Beasts are the portal to the customer
The Nature of the Beast The Beasts are the portal to the customer PCS ( 50 million customers and 15% market share Merck-Medco (, 52 million plan members and holds 16% of the market MM provides Rx and CVS provides HBA Express Scripts ( 38.5 million customers and has a 12% market share The rest of the industry controlled by the remaining 64 PBM’s Clinton pushing for 39 million Medicare recipients to have pharmacy benefits

12 The Mail-Order Supply Chain
Targets chronic maintenance drug market PBM Insurance Co’s Mail Order Pharmacy Distributor Manufacturer Rite Aid Manufacturer Distributor Shipping Doctor Transfer Rx Customer Current Weaknesses Misses out on the acute Rx market Controlled by PBM’s - limit access Most online don’t do Class II (narcotic) Rx’s No major changes in value chain Just a few efficiencies

13 Unknown Factors Issues the online industry must face
Security and Privacy - Being addressed by the Health and Information Portability Act VIPP Gov. Regulation - DOJ investigating PBM’s for illegally controlling drug lists Congress likely to act if privacy is breached

14 The Competitive Edge

15 Competition Highly fragmented both online and off-line
Fierce competition within and across both channels First tier online presence Second tier online presence

16 Competition No online presence yet Sleeping giants

17 Pricing Drugstore is very competitive with pricing relative to other HBA sources – online and offline Differences are so small, however, that no advantage is gained by lowering prices Source: Market-basket Analysis Conducted in Seattle and Online 5/24/00

18 Comparison Grid

19 Key Partnerships Rite Aid pays Amazon $35MM per year over a 3 year period Customers can click on Health & Beauty tab on Amazon site (Live - 4/17/00) Gateway positioning exposes 17+MM well qualified online shoppers to Rite Aid Two-way benefit program Rite Aid benefits by fulfilling prescriptions from Drugstore Rite Aid benefits by avoiding site creation/maintenance/fulfillment issues benefits via access to PCS members benefits via Rite Aid buyer power benefits via in-store branding elements at Rite Aid benefits by creating an alternate fulfillment channel to lessen consumer concerns with mail order fulfillment

20 The Bottom Line

21 Online Consumer Healthcare Traffic
Source: Media Metrix

22 Revenue & Customer Growth 2000 - 2004

23 Lifetime Revenue vs Acquisition Cost

24 Improving Margins 22% 20% 16% 12% 3% -10%

25 Translation to Net Income

26 Sales vs External Funding Needed

27 The Future

28 Five Years from Now Two Options Exit Ongoing Concern
Liquidate assets, sell URL Acquired by Amazon, Rite Aid/PCS or large retailer, keep URL Ongoing Concern Several scenarios

29 Ongoing Concern Merge with or acquire online health care companies and smaller players can’t go it alone Opportunity to pick up their customers, pharmacy partnerships. Stay as-is, outlast the competition If online competition folds, pick up alliances with their pharmacy management and pharmaceutical co’s and B&M pharmacy partners Win their customers with superior selection, service, information, reliability Bricks-and-mortar presence, seamless insurance coverage (through PBMs), and customer access/retention vital to success

30 Ongoing Concern E-volve through emergent strategy, strategic partnerships w/ Kmart, Costco, etc. Maybe forge a delivery agreement with for acute need delivery, especially for OTC items!

31 ?’s

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