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Cold War Review Notes 9-10.

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1 Cold War Review Notes 9-10

2 Click One Time for Answer
Some African Americans chose to sit at lunch counters in order to be served like everyone else, what was this type of protest called? Sit in Click One Time for Answer

3 Why was the case of Brown V Board of Education so important
The Supreme Court ruled that segregation was no longer allowed in public schools Click One Time for Answer

4 Click Two Times for Answers
How were the two key leaders during the Civil Rights movement different? Malcom X believed in doing whatever it takes to get your equal rights Martin Luther King Jr. believed in non-violent ways to gain equal rights Click Two Times for Answers

5 True or False: WEB DuBois created the NAACP
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6 Click One Time for Answer
What was the “double victory” for African Americans during and after WW2? Victory over Germany and racism Click One Time for Answer

7 Click One Time for Answer
How did scenes of violence towards protesters affect African Americans like Malcom X? They did not believe that whites would ever support civil rights Click One Time for Answer

8 What were freedom rides?
Groups of blacks and whites, who drove to the south to challenge the Jim Crow laws and call for change, but were met with hatred and violence. Click One Time for Answer

9 What event was started by the actions and arrest of Rosa Parks?
Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott Click One Time for Answer

10 In 1961, why did the freedom riders ride buses?
To expose illegal segregation practices in the South. Click One Time for Answer

11 Click One Time for Answer
What did President Kennedy do as a result of some of violence and protests? He proposed a civil rights bill to Congress. Click One Time for Answer

12 For what causes did Ida B. Wells fight?
Gender and racial equality and anti lynching laws Click One Time for Answer

13 What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 make illegal
Discrimination in public areas Click One Time for Answer

14 Click One Time for Answer
Towards the end of his life, how did Malcom X change his mind about civil rights? He came to believe that blacks and whites could work together Click One Time for Answer

15 What did the Voting Rights Act upheld the guarantee of which amendment
The fifteenth amendment Click One Time for Answer

16 Click One Time for Answer
True or false: In the court case Brown v. Board of Education, the courts decided that separate but equal schools were legal false Click One Time for Answer

17 Click One Time for Answer
Which famous civil rights supporter believed that education was the way for African Americans to gain equally? Booker T. Washington Click One Time for Answer

18 Click One Time for Answer
In 1920s, this civil rights leader supported the “Back to Africa” movement and encouraged African Americans to return Africa. Marcus Garvey Click One Time for Answer

19 Click One Time for Answer
What was the name of the popular militant group in the 1960s that fought to end discrimination? Black Panthers Click One Time for Answer

20 Which group of nations organized OPEC?
Countries that produce oil Click One Time for Answer

21 What is the purpose of OPEC?
To control the amount and price of petroleum released to the market. Click One Time for Answer

22 True or False: The US military desegregated after WW2.
Click One Time for Answer

23 Click One Time for Answer
After the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s, which country was left as the last economic, diplomatic, and military super power in the world? United States Click One Time for Answer

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