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Basic 1964 PC general purpose Imperative Small Easy to use.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic 1964 PC general purpose Imperative Small Easy to use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic 1964 PC general purpose Imperative Small Easy to use

2 C 1972 PC programs structured programming lexical variable scope
recursion 1972

3 Scheme PC tail-call optimization first-class continuations 1975

4 multi-paradigm programming language
Python PC programming multi-paradigm programming language object-oriented dynamic typing memory management 1991

5 Java memory management Portable Multithreaded 1995

6 Ruby 1990s Web dev duck typing Lexical closures Garbage collection
Exception handling 1990s

7 C# Portability imperative declarative 2000

8 Introduction into programming
Scratch Introduction into programming Block based Drag and drop 2000

9 server-side scripting
PHP server-side scripting Web modification Database management 1994

10 JavaScript Web dev Dynamic interpreted programming language
First-class functions Run-time environment

11 Client server web applications
Visual Basic .NET Client server web applications Portability Security Memory management 2002

12 Pascal 1968 PC programming imperative and procedural p
small and efficient rogramming 1968

13 COBOL business use object-oriented 1959

14 large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs
Perl Mainframe computers large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs

15 ALGOL 68 1968 Theory programming scientific computations
lexical and syntactic structures 1968

16 Prolog 1972 artificial intelligence declarative
based on logical programming with Horn clauses fully integrated fact databases supports direct linkage with C/C++ 1972

17 general-purpose purely functional programming language,
Haskell general-purpose purely functional programming language, Type inference Concurrent Packages 1990

18 C++ 1983 PC programming huge Function Library
Flexible language with Versatility Machine Independent Language 1983

19 Assembly Low level computer interfacing shows binary as mnemonics 1949

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