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Working with Beryllium in JSC “Kompozit”

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1 Working with Beryllium in JSC “Kompozit”
Aleksandr Milkov Joint Stock Company “Kompozit”, Korolev, Moscow region Workshop on Beryllium Applications and Health & Safety ITER Organization, June 2017

2 Outline Types of work with Beryllium
Organization of working with beryllium Ventilation systems and filtering the air of working zone Contamination monitoring of facilities practices Monitoring, Occupational Hazard and Medical Follow-up Conclusions

3 Basic documents applied for beryllium safety in JSC «Kompozit»
Methodological instructions «МУ – 06 Hygienic requirements for design and operation of enterprises for the production and processing of beryllium and its compounds»

4 Organization of working with beryllium
Berillium division of Kompozit. Specialized laboratory and production building. Established in 1968 The main goal is the introduction of beryllium materials in the aerospace industry

5 Types of work with Beryllium
JSC Kompozit in the ITER program since 1989 Wire EDM for the tiles. Chemical etching of the tiles. Laser marking of the tiles Cleaning of the tiles Control Packaging Storing Delivery in Efremov Institute Cooled element

6 Organization of working with beryllium
Сhange room. Zone of personal clothes. Dressing zone for overalls.

7 Organization of working with beryllium
Overalls Underwear cotton linen Lovsan's costume Caps on the head Respirator «Lepestok» Shoes

8 Organization of working with beryllium
Wire EDM for the tiles. The tiles are produced from beryllium blocks by electrospark discharge cutting on wire-EDM machines. Local extraction systems A block of beryllium brand S-65 on the machine

9 Organization of working with beryllium
Chemical baths with onboard suction. Chemical etching of the tiles. To remove a defective layer after electrospark discharge cutting , the tiles are chemical- etched in H2SO4, followed by etching sludge removal using HNO3

10 Organization of working with beryllium
Laser marking of the tiles The machine is connected to a system of air extraction.

11 Organization of working with beryllium
№3 №2 №1 Line for ultrasonic cleaning of the beryllium tiles. Bath №1 – Ultrasonic bath Bath №2 – Rinsing in distilled water with stirring Bath №3 – Hot-air drying

12 Organization of working with beryllium
After cleaning smearing is taken from 1 dm2 of the surface of the tiles and sent for analysis. Surface contamination levels (µg/m2) ≤ 30 μg·m²

13 Analysis Method The concentration of beryllium was determined in the samples by a photometric method with a colorimeter

14 Organization of working with beryllium
Packaging Surface contamination levels (µg/m2) ≤ 30 μg·m² Storing

15 Ventilation systems and filtering the air of working zone
The room where possible level of contamination of Surface ≤ µg/m2 The air of the working zone flows through in the ventilation system enters the cleaning system. The cleaning system consists of a 4-step system. Access to filters is strictly limited. Entry and maintenance in the systems of air cleaning possible only with airtight suit. Specially trained people.

16 Ventilation systems and filtering the air of working zone
After cleaning, air leaves the atmosphere from the tube. Tube height of 40 meters

17 Contamination monitoring of facilities practices
Object of supervision Frequency monitoring 1 Air working area and smearing in the working area 1 time per month 2 Atmospheric air: A) city B) industrial site 1 time per quarter 3 Air of laboratory premises and smearing 4 Air of administrative premises and smearing 1 time in 6 months Airborne contamination levels (µg/m3) Air working area  1 µg/m3 Atmospheric air: 0.01 µg/m3

18 Contamination monitoring of facilities practices
Selection of air in the working zone in the breathing zone and smearing from the surfaces of the machine

19 Contamination monitoring of facilities practices
Surface contamination levels (µg/m2) Surface within the work area 500 µg/m2 Tools, materials, instruments, equipment and products to be taken out a zone of the sanitary conditions 30 µg/m2 19

20 Monitoring, Occupational Hazard and Medical Follow-up
When applying for the job all applicants undergo preliminary medical examination. There is a list of medical contraindications for working with beryllium. All employees undergo an annual medical examination. Medical examinations are held in specialized medical-sanitary unit in Korolev city

21 Monitoring, Occupational Hazard and Medical Follow-up
The working conditions of personnel engaged in the processing of beryllium and its compounds A shortened working day (1 hour less) Daily preventive nutrition in the dining room Additional vacation time (7-15 days) Material allowance for work in harmful working conditions Early retirement. Men at the age of 50. Women at the age of 45.

22 22 Conclusions 1. In JSC Kompozit a line for the production of beryllium tiles for the first wall of the ITER is created. 2. At JSC Kompozit carries out all requirements according to Russian security standards when working with beryllium. The best proof of efficient to implementation of these measures is the fact that the staff engaged in work with beryllium for all the time of observation did not reveal any cases of occupational diseases. 3. The staff and Visitors the work area, change into overalls and wear personal protective equipment. 4. Process chain for the production of beryllium tiles not includes rooms with the potential high concentration of beryllium in air and on surfaces (where required airtight suit).

23 Thank you for your attention!

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