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The history of the German language

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1 The history of the German language
Done by: 3-year students Full-time education form Direction of training: Organisation Management Polina Kurenkova, Vera Pantsurkina, Fedor Kuzmin. 2017


3 The history of German language dates back to the early Middle Ages, when the languages of the ancient Germans begin to contact each other, creating the ground for the formation of a common language. Based on the features of the historical development of the German language, four main periods of its existence are distinguished (without taking into account the Pragermanic language).

4 Althochdeutsch (about 750 - approx. 1050 year).
As a result of the second movement of consonants, a phonetic system is formed. Complex verb times of Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt are formed. The literature of this period is mainly represented by church and religious monuments.

5 Mittelhochdeutsch (about 1050 - approx. 1350).
The formation of the phonetic system continues. The infinitive of the verb acquires a modern form. There is a flourishing of German knightly poetry.

6 Frühneuhochdeutsch (about 1350 - approx. 1650).
The formation of grammatical categories of the noun continues. The syntactic structure of sentences becomes more complicated. The first attempts to normalize the grammar are made. Words are borrowed from French and Italian. Thanks to Luther's activities, a written rule begins to form.

7 Neuhochdeutsch (approximately since 1650).
German was the language of commerce and government in the Habsburg Empire, which encompassed a large area of Central and Eastern Europe. Until about 1800, standard German was Almost solely a written language. Media and written works are almost all produced in standard German (often called Hochdeutsch in German), which is understood in all German-speaking areas.

8 In 1880, grammatical and orthographic rules first
appeared in the Duden Handbook. In 1901, this was declared the standard definition of the German language. Standard German orthography subsequently went essentially unrevised until 1998, when the German spelling reform of 1996 was officially promulgated by government representatives of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland

9 1 Aug 2006 in Germany came into force on the third and final version of the law on the reform of German spelling. The new rules of punctuation and spelling obligatory for all without an exception of state institutions and for education. The reform abolishes 87 of 212 of the rules of spelling, instead of 52 of the rules of punctuation were only 12.

10 Thank you for watching!

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