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Aging and Caring Teens and the Elderly

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1 Aging and Caring Teens and the Elderly

2 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are too old to hold responsible jobs. False They may not be as efficient where physical labor, speed or concentration are critical but most older workers perform as well as younger workers.

3 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are cute and adorable. False Society often perceives older adults as children and treat them that way.

4 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are senile. False It is normal for short-term memory to decrease over time and for information to be processed less efficiently than when they were young, but most are still “with it” mentally. By age 80, only 6% of the elderly population is senile.

5 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are boring. False Old people have a wealth of experience and life stories that most are willing to share.

6 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are in good or excellent health. True Most aged people consider their health to be good or excellent most of the time.

7 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are ugly. False Our society is very youth-oriented, but that does not mean that only young people can be beautiful. Old age is a different kind of beauty, one enhanced by character and wisdom.

8 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people can think clearly. True Older adults have a harder time picking up information because their eyesight and hearing often decline. The key to thinking clearly is being an active learner all your life, getting a good education and being in good health.

9 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people can learn new things. True The older generation is more interested in the arts, in children, are more creative, philosophical and spiritual than those younger. Many take classes or do volunteer work.

10 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are a burden. False Most older people live in their own homes and strive to be just as independent as possible.

11 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people spend a lot of time doing very little. False Most older people keep as busy as they would like to be pursuing household chores, hobbies, volunteer work and social networks.

12 Old Age Quiz True or False
Elderly people are in nursing homes. False What percent do you think are in nursing homes? The actual number is only 5%.

13 Aspects of Aging Emotional Aspects
They may experience some identity problems in re-defining their roles as they age. Physical Aspects The human body matures at about the age of 25. At this point, the body begins to deteriorate. The organs become less efficient and sensory problems occur. Financial Aspects Finances are their greatest worry. Social Security, Medicare and Pension Plans are not adequate.

14 Welcome to the Senior Citizens’ Home!
Aging Simulation

15 Try to remember everything on the next screen….
Memory Game Try to remember everything on the next screen….


17 How did you do?

18 Kleenex Fly Swatter Stapler Tennis Ball Safety Pin Pen Planner/Notebook Scissors USB/Flashdrive Car Earrings Paint Brush Butterfinger Chapstick Book Paper Clip Shoe/Sandal Watch Camera Wallet Thread Super Glue Screw Driver Lotion Germ X Keys Tide Pen Cell Phone Ipod Shoelaces Ruler

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