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M. Palme, C. Carrasco, M. Gálvez, L. Inostroza

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1 M. Palme, C. Carrasco, M. Gálvez, L. Inostroza
Natural ventilation as a mitigation strategy to reduce overheating in buildings under urban heat island effect in South American cities. M. Palme, C. Carrasco, M. Gálvez, L. Inostroza World Multydisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, Prague June 2017

2 Global Warming

3 Global Warming in South America

4 Urban Heat Island

5 UHI in Guayaquil, Ecuador

6 UHI in Lima, Peru

7 Overheating in buildings

8 Natural ventilation

9 Houses typologies (internal distribution)

10 Cases of study N

11 Considered cities

12 Weather data used in simulations

13 UHI intensity

14 Results

15 Results

16 Results

17 Conclusions In Guayaquil nocturnal ventilation is more effective
In the other locations, 24-hours ventilation is better UHI will increase the overheating NV efficiency with UHI will probably decrease, expecially in the cases of Guayaquil and Valparaíso

18 Urban design suggestions…

19 But we are doing the opposite…

20 Some references… Palme, M., Inostroza, L., Villacreses, G., Lobato, A., Carrasco, C. From Urban Climate to Energy Consumption. Enhancing building performance simulation by including the urban heat island effect. Energy and Buildings (in press). Palme, M., Inostroza, L., Villacreses, G., Lobato, A., Carrasco, C. Urban climate in the South-American coastal cities of Guayaquil, Lima, Antofagasta and Valparaiso and its impacts on the buildings’ energy efficiency. In Urban Climate in South America, Springer Ed. (in press) Palme, M., Carrasco, C., Lobato, A. (2016) Quantitative Analysis of Factors Contributing to Urban Heat Island Effect in Cities of Latin-American Pacific Coast. Procedia Engineering 169, Sailor, D. Air conditioning market saturation and long-term response of residential cooling energy demand to climate change. Energy 28 (9), 2003, Palme, M. (2016). The possible shift between heating and cooling demand of buildings under climate change conditions: are some of the mitigation policies wrongly understood? In Proceedings of the Mediterranean Green Buildings and Renewable Energy Conference, Springer Ed. Jenkins, D.P., Peacock A. D., Banfill, P.F.G., Will future low-carbon schools in the UK have an overheating problem?, Building and Environment, Volume 44, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages , ISSN Toledo, L., Cropper, P., Wright, A. (2016). Unintended consequences of sustainable architecture: Evaluating overheating risks in new dwellings. En: Proceedings of the Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference, Los Angeles, USA, July 2016.

21 Thank You!
World Multydisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, Prague June 2017

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