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Collecting Information

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Presentation on theme: "Collecting Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collecting Information

2 Knowing HOW to Collect Data is Nice
But – we need to know WHY For Whom What is the purpose?

3 Similarities to Scientific Inquiry
Stating a research question Formulating a hypothesis Testing the hypothesis Whether the purpose is exploratory or confirmatory, your goals must be clear

4 Scoping the Problem How will you analyze the problem?
Qualitatively or Quantitatively? Primary or Secondary Data? What sort of analytical approach will you take?

5 Types of Studies Exploratory Descriptive Experimental Secondary

6 Exploratory Studies Helps in formulating further research
Allows one to become acquainted with a problem or issue Literature reviews Opinion surveys Field methods

7 Descriptive Studies Collecting and summarizing info so you can accurately and objectively describe a situation Formulating objectives Designing data collection methods Selecting a sample Collecting data Analyzing data and communicating results

8 Experimental Studies Trying to make a causal inference
Empirically inferring correlation Theoretically determining causation Design O1 X O2 O1 O2

9 Secondary Studies Free-standing Literature Reviews Meta-Analysis

10 Collecting Data Primary Sources Secondary Sources
Surveys, Interviews, Field Work Secondary Sources Census, other government data

11 Field Methods Site Reconnaissance Windshield Surveys Field Interviews
Participant Observation

12 Site Reconnaissance A quick look-see
Getting a quick impression of the study area Collecting sensory information

13 Windshield Survey Similar to site reconnaissance Wider scale
Systematically recording data For larger geographic areas Issues of safety may be involved

14 Field Interviews/Surveys
Structured or open-ended Pros & Cons Pro Con Survey Quick Easy to analyze Limited, inflexible Interview Potentially rich information, flexible Time consuming (administration, compilation); difficult to summarize

15 Participant Observation
Becoming a participant to record observations & collect data Unobtrusive measures Looking at license plates at park Worn out tiles at an exhibit Obtrusive measures Becoming an active participant

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