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“The War to end all Wars”

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Presentation on theme: "“The War to end all Wars”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The War to end all Wars”
World War I “The War to end all Wars”

2 WWI Long-Term Causes “MAIN” is an acronym for the long-term causes of World War I. What do you think each letter stands for, and why? M A I N

3 Long-Term Causes “MAIN” How did each contribute to the war? Militarism
Alliances Imperialism Balkan Question ”Sick Man of Europe” Nationalism

4 Family Relationships

5 Short-Term Cause Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

6 What actually happened? Let’s make a chart!

7 The Schlieffen Plan

8 Attitude at the Beginning http://www. youtube. com/watch

9 What were people’s expectations at the beginning of the war?
Discussion What were people’s expectations at the beginning of the war? HINT: This could be based on past experiences or history.

10 Conditions Stalemate No Man’s Land Trench Warfare “Front”

11 Did this war meet the “expectations” from before? Why or why not?
Discuss: Did this war meet the “expectations” from before? Why or why not?

12 New Weapons a. Machine guns b. Mustard gas c. Airplanes
d. Heavy artillery Tanks

13 Irony

14 What was the attitude about war by the end? Spanish Flu Epidemic 1922
Discuss: What was the attitude about war by the end? Spanish Flu Epidemic 1922

15 USA enters the war---WHY?
Lusitania Zimmerman Telegram $ Attitude (start at 1:00)

16 Why it was a “world” war?

17 Arab Revolt against the Ottomans


19 A Change in Attitude Wilfred Owen’s Dulce et Decorum Est

20 WWI Exit Slips 1. What can modern leaders learn from the history of World War I that might help them avoid such mistakes today? 2. What can YOU learn from WWI that you can apply in your OWN life today?

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