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By Nathan Faloon. By Nathan Faloon Essential Criteria achieved Informational website, which has at least 6 web pages. Home page should display a Hit.

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2 By Nathan Faloon

3 Essential Criteria achieved
Informational website, which has at least 6 web pages. Home page should display a Hit Counter. Complete project documentation Website to be accessible from Internet Explorer version, Chrome and Firefox. Website populated with content/images/video clips/web links approved by client. Suitable Domain name sourced. Suitable web hosting service sourced, which is free from advertising. Website uploaded to web hosting server. Website completed and operational by 28/03/14. Website maintenance provided until 13/06/14. As you can see I effectively met all of the requested essential criteria, for the hit counter I used a website called which has a variety of styles for their hit counters as you will see later when you look at my site I believe the style I chose fits in well. As far as the storyboard and design spec go, from the start of the project I had a very clear idea of how I wanted the end product to look and I felt the only way to achieve my goal was to attempt the project on my own. This can be reflected from the similarity to the real site and my initial storyboard. I performed cross testing compatibility using a site called browser stack, this allowed me to perform tests for all versions of IE, Chrome, Firefox and even safari all at once reducing the amount of labour required as performing this many tests manually would have been a very time consuming task. The domain I was able to source was for £10 a year and the hosting service from costing £12 per annum totalling at £22 a year a very reasonable price considering the £1 a month add free hosting from 5 wire.

4 Desirable criteria achieved
Content management system suitable for a non-technical person to update and change web pages. Website to be accessed from a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Windows phone, Android, etc.) For the first desirable criteria which was the client being able to manage the content of the website using a user friendly system I decided to go with CushyCMS as this site provides an extremely simple system to which I can highlight areas for the user to edit and the sit picks those areas up automatically and allows all other users to edit all of the content on the page without having to bother with confusing HTML code in the likes of dreamweaver. For simple well laid out mobile access I used at the risk of one advertisement at the top of a page that can be easily removed this site provides a very simple interface for mobile layout making the site a dream to use on touch screen devices.

5 Content management CushyCMS as you can see here has a very simply layout providing multiple boxes similar to this for all of the content in each page, there will be a separate box for each paragraph. This means anyone with access can edit what is displayed on each page without any risk of damaging or changing the visual style or layout of the site.

6 Mobile access With duda mobile the content is laid out very clearly and everything scales appropriately for differently sized devices. As there were too many links to fit across the navigation bar the site automatically combines them into the “more” tab you can see in the first screenshot.

7 Project Management Using a Microsoft project file (.mpp) helped me clearly display all of my tasks and time them accordingly Being able to see all of these tasks in a simple window allowed me to easily check the deadline and start dates for each task, during the project management process I also made sure to monitor my project as a common reason for failure is indeed lack of monitoring because this allows work to pile up. Especially since I was performing a group project individually I had to stay on top of my deadlines. To monitor my project I made a document where I recorded the times and dates I started and completed each individual task you see in this slide.

8 What went well… My good timekeeping allowed me to complete the project by deadline. I stayed true to my original idea and the design is in many ways how I imagined it. Having no team members meant there was no team mates falling behind or being carried. Because of the simple design I chose it allowed the coding of the website to be a fast and relatively error free task. Because of the Microsoft project I created and the detailed monitoring document it allowed me to keep good track of my time and how many tasks I had left to do, since these tasks were originally intended for a group of three people it meant I had even more pressure to stick closely to my deadlines and not to fall too far behind I ended very happy with my design because of how similar it is to what I wanted from the beginning but towards the end when I started to add gradients and shading into the elements is when I began to really like the design. Even though my workload was higher than any other team without members it allowed to me work at my own pace and the only person I had to please with my effectiveness was myself. I also didn’t have to rely on anyone completing sections of the project or possibly breaking code I had put into the website which I would have then had to fix.

9 What went less well… Some of the links provided required research as they were broken/had been moved. Finding the appropriate YouTube links to effectively embed the multiple videos was one of the longer tasks. Finding a simple user friendly Content management service proved difficult. When it came to embedding all of the external links a majority say 2-3/5 links had been changed since they were first written down or the link simply had spelling mistakes this required me to do some research and find the new url for any broken links to ensure there were no dead or broken links on my completed website The HTML coding to embed the YouTube videos proved difficult to locate as no matter how many different methods I used the video simply wouldn’t load, because of this I lost at least a day of coding to realise YouTube embedding links and viewing links are actually different entirely but will still point to the same video.

10 Improvements for future projects
Continue to work with the client to make further improvements in the text content and use of linked images for the Baby Matters and Careers pages. It will also be necessary to recommend the purchase of an appropriate domain name and web hosting service, which is free from advertising. For a future project of similar importance I would definitely hand pick a team that would work well together to reduce the workload. Working in a team would also allow for the involvement of different opinions and another perspective.

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