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You are the Key to HPV Cancer Prevention

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1 You are the Key to HPV Cancer Prevention
Matt Flory Minnesota State Health Systems Manager American Cancer Society April 27, 2017

2 HPV Types Differ in their Disease Associations
Mucosal sites of infection Cutaneous ~ 80 Types “Common” Hand and Foot Warts ~40 Types Genital Warts Laryngeal Papillomas Low Grade Cervical Disease Low risk (non-oncogenic) HPV 6, 11 most common High risk (oncogenic) HPV 16, 18 most common Cervical Cancer Anogenital Cancers Oropharyngeal Cancer Cancer Precursors

3 HPV Infection Most females and males will be infected with at least one type of mucosal HPV at some point in their lives Estimated 79 million Americans currently infected 14 million new infections/year in the US HPV infection is most common in people in their teens and early 20s Most people will never know that they have been infected Jemal A et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2013;105:

4 Cancers Caused by HPV, U.S.
Cancer site Average number of cancers per year associated with HPV Percentage per year Male Female Both Sexes Anus 1,600 3,000 4,600 91% Cervix 10,700 Oropharynx 9,100 2,000 11,100 70% Penis 700 63% Rectum 200 500 Vagina 600 75% Vulva 2,400 2,200 69% TOTAL 11,600 19,200 30,800 CDC, United States Cancer Statistics (USCS),

5 New Cancers Caused by HPV per Year United States 2008-2012
Rectum n=500 3% Men (n = 11,600) Anus n=1,600 14% Oropharynx n=9,100 78% Penis n=700 6% Rectum n=200 2% Anus n=3,000 16% Cervix n=10,700 56% Vagina n=600 3% Vulva n=2, % Oropharynx n=2,000 10% Women (n = 19,200) CDC, United States Cancer Statistics (USCS),

6 Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is the most common HPV-associated cancer among women 500,000+ new cases and 275,000 attributable deaths world-wide in 2008 ~11,000 new cases and 4,000 attributable deaths in 2012 in the U.S. 25% cervical cancers occur in women who are between the ages of 20 and 39 CDC. HPV–associated cancers—US, MMWR 2012;61(15):258–261. Cervical Cancer Counts by Age. US Cancer Statistics data from 2010,

7 Evidence-Based HPV Disease Prevention
HPV Vaccine

8 Why HPV? Why ACS? We have a vaccine
This vaccine prevents (multiple) cancers We need to vaccinate more kids Cancer and immunization need to work together Success is achievable HPV vaccination + ACS = focus on cancer prevention, adolescents and their families, and new public health partners

9 HPV Vaccination Rates Remain Too Low
HPV vaccination prevents most cervical, vaginal, vulvar, & anal cancers and are expected to prevent most penile & oropharyngeal cancers Rates of several of these cancers are increasing HPV vaccination is underutilized despite the overwhelming evidence for its safety and effectiveness While vaccination rates continue to improve for other adolescent vaccines, HPV vaccination rates have not Vaccination rates are lowest where cervical cancer rates are highest

10 Framing the conversation
Talking about HPV vaccine Framing the conversation

11 Impact of Eliminating Missed Opportunities by Age 13 Years in Girls Born in 2000
Missed opportunity: Healthcare encounter when some, but not all ACIP-recommended vaccines are given. HPV-1: Receipt of at least one dose of HPV. MMWR. 63(29);

12 Reasons parents won’t initiate HPV vaccination for children
MMWR 2014; 63(29); ;

13 Value Parents Place on the Vaccines
Adapted from Healy et al. Vaccine. 2014;32:

14 Provider estimations Adapted from Healy et al. Vaccine. 2014;32:

15 Clinicians underestimate the value parents place on HPV vaccine
Adapted from Healy et al. Vaccine. 2014;32:

16 Clinicians Underestimate the Value Parents Place on HPV Vaccine
The perceived and real concerns of parents influence how the provider recommends and administers HPV vaccine. Clinicians Underestimate the Value Parents Place on HPV Vaccine Adapted from Healy et al. Vaccine. 2014;32:

17 Give an Effective Recommendation to Receive HPV Vaccine at Ages 11 or 12
An effective recommendation from you is the main reason parents decide to vaccinate Many moms in focus groups stated that they trust their child’s doctor and would get the vaccine for their child as long as they received a recommendation from the doctor Unpublished CDC data, 2013.

18 What is an EFFECTIVE recommendation for HPV vaccination?

19 Same Way Same Day

20 Make an Effective Recommendation
Same way: Effective recommendations group all of the adolescent vaccines Recommend HPV vaccination the same way you recommend Tdap & meningococcal vaccines. Same day: Recommend HPV vaccine today Recommend HPV vaccination the same day you recommend Tdap & meningococcal vaccines. Unpublished CDC data, 2013.

21 Your preteen needs three vaccines today to protect against meningitis, HPV cancers, and pertussis.

22 Tdap HPV MenACWY Preteen Vaccines

23 Now that Sophia is 11, she is due for three vaccines
Now that Sophia is 11, she is due for three vaccines. These will help protect her from meningitis, HPV cancers, and pertussis. We’ll give those shots at the end of the visit.

24 Some Parents Need Reassurance
Many parents simply accept of this bundled recommendation Some parents may be interested in vaccinating, yet still have questions. Interpret a question as they need additional reassurance from YOU, the clinician they trust with their child’s health care Ask parents about their main concern (be sure you are addressing their real concern) Unpublished CDC data, 2013.

25 If I could reduce their cancer risk?

26 Keep Julia’s age in mind

27 Actual conversation I had at a medical visit
Matt: “I’ve been reading more about the HPV vaccine. I’m hopeful for what it may mean for my children, especially my daughter” Nurse: “Why? Do you think she will be one of those?”

28 Why does my child need HPV vaccine?

29 HPV vaccination is important because it prevents cancer
HPV vaccination is important because it prevents cancer. That’s why I’m recommending that your child start the HPV vaccine series today.

30 What cancers are caused by HPV infection?

31 Certain HPV types can cause cancer of the cervix, vagina, and vulva in females, cancer of the penis in men, and in both females and males, cancers of the anus and the throat. We can help prevent infection with the HPV types that cause these cancers by starting the HPV vaccine series today.

32 Is my child really at risk for HPV?

33 HPV is a very common and widespread virus that infects both females and males. We can help protect your child from the cancers and diseases caused by the virus by starting HPV vaccination today.

34 Why as early as 9 years old?
Why before 13 years old?

35 When should the bike helmet go on?

36 HPV Vaccine Recommendation
Girls & Boys can start HPV vaccination at age 9 Preteens should finish HPV vaccine series by 13th birthday Plus girls years old who haven’t started or finished HPV vaccine series Plus boys years old who haven’t started or finished HPV vaccine series

37 Most clinicians wait too long to make strong recommendations for HPV vaccine
Allison et al.

38 “As with all vaccine-preventable diseases, we want to protect your child early. If we start now, it’s one less thing for you to worry about. Also, your child will only need two shots of HPV vaccine at this age. If you wait until 15, your child will need three shots. We’ll give the first shot today and then you’ll need to bring your child back in 6 to 12 months from now for the second shot.”

And YOU are the key! #WeCanStopHPV

40 TOOLS: Steps for Increasing HPV Vaccination in Practice
Flyer & PowerPoint


42 TOOLS: Myth Busting Flyer & PowerPoint


44 Middle School Health Website

45 Middle School Health Website

46 Middle School Health Website

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