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For the following slides, take notes.

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1 For the following slides, take notes.
Headshots For the following slides, take notes.

2 Why do we need headshots as actors?
Things to Consider: If a professional actor doesn’t submit a headshot with a resume, they likely won’t get an audition A director might see hundreds of actors. The headshot is a memory tool – allows directors and casting agents to remember the actor A poorly produced headshot gives the impression that the actor doesn’t take their career seriously – can cost them an audition

3 What makes a good headshot?
Must be 8”x10” The focus of the picture is on the actor, not on the clothes/background/photographer’s skills Picture must look like the actor – don’t wear too much makeup, change hairstyles, or use an old picture. It should look like the you that will be auditioning The picture should represent the actor – will it show their personality? Choose a professional photographer that specializes in headshots

4 Audition Etiquette For the following slides, take notes on what you think is important. Be sure to write all of the rules of audition etiquette. 

5 What is etiquette? The code of behavior in a situation. In your notebooks, brainstorm Audition Etiquette Rules – write as many as you can think of.

6 What are the most important rules of audition behavior?
Your audition starts before you walk in the room Your behavior outside the audition can indicate that you might be hard to work with Value your time in the room Focus on your audition, don’t waste time by making excuses (“I’m sick!”), use the director’s notes to show them you can take direction

7 What are the most important rules of audition behavior?
Dress the part but don’t dress up Don’t show up in costume; look professional – be able to be seen in the role you are auditioning for Follow any given instructions If the information sheet says “2 contrasting pieces, 1 minute each,” do that! If the director asks you to do something different, do it!

8 What are the most important rules of audition behavior?
Bookend your piece Slate your piece with your name, the play that your monologue is from, and who its by. End your monologue with a thank you!

9 Reflection Question Which of the rules we just discussed is MOST important? Why?

10 For the following slides, take notes on what you think is important.
Choosing a Monologue For the following slides, take notes on what you think is important.

11 What questions should you ask yourself when choosing an audition monologue?
Question One: How does the material showcase my abilities? Choose a piece that lets you shine You want to put your best foot forward! First step: choosing the right piece! 

12 What questions should you ask yourself when choosing an audition monologue?
Question Two: Why is the piece interesting? Never choose a piece you find boring. Never choose a piece because you think you “should” Choose a piece because it fits the play and showcases your abilities.

13 What questions should you ask yourself when choosing an audition monologue?
Question Three: How does the material fit the play? Your audition piece should reflect the style of the role or play you are auditioning for You want the director to see you in the play

14 Monologue Assessment Questions:
What makes the monologue interesting? How would this monologue showcase an actor? Would this monologue fit the play you’re auditioning for? Why/why not? Is this piece a good audition monologue? Why/why not?

15 Things to Consider When Choosing a Monologue:
Length: Long monologues are not necessarily good monologues. You should be able to wow a director in a minute. Make sure you pay attention to the information sheet to know how long to go! Action: What is your character doing in the monologue?? Storytelling monologues do not necessarily show the character. Variety: A good monologue has an emotional journey. It doesn’t stay in the same emotional state the whole piece.

16 Your Assignment: Mock Audition
You will find a 30 second – 1 minute monologue to use as an audition piece for the 10 minute scenes being directed by TA II Students Look online OR I have a few books you can use. For your monologue, you must answer the 4 “Monologue Assessment Questions.” This will be part of your Mock Audition grade You will audition for the directors on Wednesday/Friday this week. You DO NOT need a resume or headshot (this time!) Don Zolidis Theatrefolk

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