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Knole Computer Group June 2017 The USB Hub.

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1 Knole Computer Group June 2017 The USB Hub

2 Most laptops only have 2 or 3 USB ports.
A USB Hub, preferably USB3 if you have a USB3 port on your computer, can added extra ports to avoid plugging and unplugging devices. You can buy mains powered hubs, or hubs powered from the computer’s USB port

3 Powered USB Hubs need a mains connection, therefore they are not so portable, but they give extra options. Some Powered USB hubs now have extra ports for charging phones etc. and can add as many as 10 additional ports from one port on the computer.

4 Example of an unpowered USB 3 Hub with 4 USB 3 ports.

5 Example of a mains powered USB 3 Hub with three charging ports and 7 USB 3 ports. This one also has an on/off button which keeps it disconnected until you need it, which can be useful in stopping harmful programs infecting external drives.

6 A single port on the computer can connect:
USB Memory stick Multi Card reader Digital camera External hard drive Bluetooth adapter (If the computer hasn’t got built in Bluetooth.) Video camera (If there is not a built in one) Wifi adapter. (Can be helpful if a laptop’s built in Wifi fails. Useful for a desk top with no Wifi) Wireless mouse and key board (n.b.some will not work with a hub and need direct connection to the computer.)

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