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Health and the Rural Economy

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1 Health and the Rural Economy
Nicola Wright Consultant in Public Health Public Health Warwickshire


3 Benefits of Rural Living
Males born in rural areas are expected to live 2 years longer than those born in major urban areas Females born in rural areas are expected to live 18 months longer than those in major urban areas Fewer people living in rural areas are dying prematurely than those living in urban areas Children have lower BMIs living in areas with more green space

4 Potential Issues of Rural Living
Rural or social isolation Fuel poverty Access – Physical and e-access to health and other services Rural crime Private landlords

5 Other Considerations /Benefits
Flood risk Climate change Air quality Active transport – cycling/walking

6 Benefits of Visiting Rural and Green Spaces
Positive impact of green spaces on the wider population: reduced crime increased workplace productivity decreased health inequalities Green spaces are linked to increased wellbeing

7 Economic Evidence So Far…
An inactive person is likely to spend 37% more time in hospital and visit the doctor 5.5% more than an active person Improvements to green spaces and regeneration have led to: Job creation Tax revenue Visitor spending Land values Positive physical and mental health reduce sickness absence of employees

8 The next 12 months… Increasing access to green spaces
Loneliness and social isolation workstream Further working across partners to capture the evidence of economic benefit of the rural economy to encourage further investment Identifying the groups (and solutions) for those not accessing green spaces

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