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Career & Technology Education Major

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1 Career & Technology Education Major
Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the Career & Technology Education major. This Module will help familiarize you with the “ins and outs” of the Career & Technology Education Major.

2 WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning
 Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values:  The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the WBU Mission and University core values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the university.

3 Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to complete a degree plan for the Career and Technology Education Major. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able to identify the purpose of the Career & Technology Education Major, the courses within the major, specialization and professional development. The goal is for the advisor to have a good grasp on the purpose behind the major and have the knowledge to market the major to the appropriate student population. The advisor should also be able to provide details to the student about the transferability of credit and commonly used course substitutions.

4 Purpose of the Career & Technology Education Major
The Career & Technology Education Major is designed to build upon previous training and experience in a technical field in preparing individuals to teach technical courses. Student’s who wish to pursue a teaching career in a specified technical field should look into the Career and Technology Education Major. Using a student’s previous training and field experience, students will take an additional 36 hours of a combination of CTED, EDUC, EDIT and MGMT courses to develop a strong core of teaching fundamentals.

5 Career & Technology Education Major
The 36 hour major includes a 21-semester hour core and 15-semester hours of selected courses from an approved list. The core courses are a set list of 7 specific areas. Of the 36 hours required for the major, 18 must be from upper-level courses. It important to know that even though students have the ability to transfer in outside courses, military or testing credit, they still must meet certain rules concerning the major. Students MUST have at least 18 hours of upper level credit in the major. Student who have numerous transferrable credit hours need to be aware of the rules/restrictions. On occasion, some transferrable credit may not be used because of these restrictions.

6 Career & Technology Education Major
Certification: If state certification is expected, the specialization should be a technical-related field taught in the public schools. Although work experience is not required for a BAS (BSOE) degree, it is required for state certification. To seek certification, the School of Education must be contacted. For course requirements for Trade and Industrial Teacher Certification for Texas only, please refer to catalog for admission requirements and contact the School of Education for Trade and Industrial Teacher Certification. Requirements for certification are not processed through the Office of BAS/(BSOE)/BCM Records. Students with this major will need Federal and State Government for Texas certification. Students who wish to achieve certification for this degree should contact the School of Education for advising as requirements are not processed through the BAS/BCM Office.

7 Career & Technology Education Major Requirements:
MAJOR CORE COURSES: CTED 4304 – Designing, Delivering, and Managing Instruction CTED 4308 – Implementing Instruction and Assessment CTED 4309 – Fulfilling Professional Roles and Responsibilities CTED 4302 – Aims & Objectives of Workforce Development CTED 4303 – Human Relations for Technical Instructors RSWR 3345 – Research Writing Methods Students who need RSWR 3345 for a degree requirement should take it as soon as feasible in the students’ enrollment with Wayland, based on prerequisite being met. This requirement moves from RSWR 3345 to an imaginative literature course, like ENGL3303, if the second half of English they have does not have a literature component. BUAD 4334 – Business Ethics (No other Ethics course) Plus Fifteen (15) hours from the following: CTED 3321 – Principles Of Supervision for Education and Training CTED 4316 – The Adult Learner CTED 4333 – Statistics CTED 4360 – Internship in Trade and Industrial Instruction I CTED 4361 – Internship in Trade and Industrial Instruction II EDIT 4311 – Multimedia and Video Technology EDIT 4340 – Desktop Publishing and Digital Graphics EDUC 3313 – Educating Students from Diverse Backgrounds MGMT 3339 – Theory and Practice of Supervision This is the list of the required courses within the major. This is not an exhausted list of the possible transferrable CLEP/DANTES test or military credit that can be applied to the major.

8 Career & Technology Education Major Requirements:
Here is an example of the major as it appears on the degree plan.

9 24-Hour CTE Professional Development:
The professional development component consists of 24 semester hours selected to provide depth or breadth to the major and to provide substantive developmental knowledge for the student’s career or personal goals. Here is an example of the Professional Development portion as it appears on the degree plan.

10 Common Mistakes:  Transferring in Lower Level credit hours and not adjusting the number of required Upper Level credit hours. Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take courses without the proper prerequisite or in an incorrect order. Not advising students of the proper sequence in their class rotation. (i.e. Taking RSWR 3345 at the beginning of their degree) Here is a list of some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student.

11 Summary Review:  This training module focused on the Career & Technology Major. At its conclusion, the user should know the core, the professional development, and major requirements. Advisors should be able to explain the major and its components to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. You should now have a deeper understanding of the Career and Technology Education Major. You should know the core, the professional development and the major components and be able to pass this information on to the student during advising sessions.

12 Training Record In order to receive credit for – Career & Technology Education Major, please click the link below. All information must be complete in order to receive credit. You may return to this module at any time for a review. After filling out the training completion form, you will need to close out this slideshow. Thank you for taking your time to listen to Training Module 1.1 – Undergraduate Records and the University Vision, Mission, and Core Values. In order to receive credit for this module, please click on the button marked “Complete Training”. A internet browser will open and you will be asked to enter your first and last name, , your employee ID/PIN, and select which campus or department for which you are associated. Failure to complete the form will not provide you with credit for the module. If you would like, you may return to this module at any time for review. We thank you for your service to Wayland Baptist University and dedication to her for future generations. Complete Training

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