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Before we start… Log on to a computer or smart phone

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1 Before we start… Log on to a computer or smart phone
Complete the survey: Go to Fill in your Roosevelt address Enter the instrument number: 71303 Provide the instrument password: math2015

2 A New Twist on a common class
MATH 121: College Algebra A New Twist on a common class

3 The Flipped Classroom Inverts traditional teaching methods:
Basic skills instruction online outside of the classroom Applied problems inside the classroom Instead of a lecture from the “sage on the stage”, a flipped classroom involves in-class activities with the instructor as the “guide on the side.” Students watch lectures at home at their own pace to learn and practice basic concepts and skills. Concept engagement and work on more complex problems and applications takes place in the classroom with the help of the instructor in an active learning environment. At the end of chapter, Big Problems will apply and synthesize skills and concepts from entire chapter.


5 Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchy of skills that reflects growing complexity and ability to use higher-order thinking skills.

6 Why is it necessary? Using Bloom's higher levels --analyzing, evaluating and creating --when questioning students during Math, helps them become better problem solvers. Asking students to explain their Math answers, using words, drawings or diagrams and numbers (equations), is an excellent way to assess if they truly understand the concept taught. Having students extend and explain a number pattern engages them in higher level thinking skills, too. Having students come up with their own questions about a lesson to help each other will also help students to begin to ask better questions --questions to which they can explain the answers.

7 Let’s look at each level of learning…

8 Syllabus Let’s take a look at it (you should read it thoroughly at home)

9 What to bring to class Outlines and notes from the learning guide and the skills homework Notebook Pen or pencil Folder (to keep your work organized) Graphing Calculator Printed class worksheets for that day’s lesson, if wanted.

10 MyLabsPlus Let’s take a look at our online environment:
Go to: Log in using your Roosevelt ID and the password: mathru (unless you changed it for a previous class)

11 Find your course Go to your MATH 121 course link
If you have a new MyLabsPlus Access code for MATH 121 keep it handy (the website will ask you for it) If you have used MyLabsPlus for MATH 121 before you don’t need to do anything Otherwise click on “Pay Later” to get a temporary code that will last for 14 days (you need to buy a permanent code before this time ends)

12 What to do before next class
Learning Guide and Skills HW for section 1.1 and 1.2 is due by next class time (access on Homework page on MLP site) Take Pre-Quiz for Chapter 1. This quiz covers the skills I expect you to have in order to be successful in this class. You may practice skills in Study Plan and retake quiz to improve your grade. This is due by the 3rd class meeting.

13 References Adapted from: Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals: Handbook I, cognitive domain. New York ; Toronto: Longmans, Green

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