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The simple past BATOOL FATIMAH S.

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1 The simple past BATOOL FATIMAH S

Irregular past verb forms must be learned becaues they don’t follow rule; 1_go  went 2_come  came 3_buy  bought 4_drink  dronk 5_eat  ate

3 For exapmle : I went to Paris last year

4 Past simple tense: Rugular and Irregular verb :
Negative :ues not or didn’t +a base form verb to make the past simple tense negative. I didn’t live in a flat during my last summer holiday

AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE I worked I didn’t work She worked She didn’t work It worked It didn’t work She ate lunch She didn’t eat lunch I wrote a story I didn’t write a story

6 The simple past tense is used
To talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past .you state when it happened using a time adverb (yesterday, last year) For example: I took my first exam last month

7 ALSO, It can be used to describe events that happened a period of time in the past but not now :
For example : I lived in Asia for two years.

8 Any question ??

9 Grammar presentation :
Yes or no questions: did subject Base form of verb I You He She It We they start answers yes You I He She It We they did answers No, You I He She It We they Didn’t

10 Wh-questions Wh-word did subject Base from of verb what i ask? where you Go? when he Write? why we Leave? Who(m) Call? How long they Stay? answers You asked about his name. I went to the library. He wrote at night, after work . We went someplace else. I called my friend. They stayed for an hour.

11 Wh-questions about the subject
Wh-word Past from of verb who wrote The hobbit? what Happened? answers j.r.r.tolkien wrote it . It became a big success. Wh-questions in the past do not use did when the questions is about the subject. Ali wrote the hobbit. Q: who wrote the hobbit ? A: li Not: who did write the hobbit?

12 Focused practice : I read his books. We enjoyed the movie.
It had a good storyline. I didn’t understand everything.

13 I read his books. Did you read them too?
We enjoyed the movie. did you enjoy it too? It had a good storyline. Did it have a lot of action? I didn’t understand everything. Did she understand everything

14 Correct these questions:
When john steinbeck was born? Where he was born? Where did he studied writing? When did he died? Did she drank a glass of milk?


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