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Media Literacy Visual Media Print Media Types of Media

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Presentation on theme: "Media Literacy Visual Media Print Media Types of Media"— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Literacy Visual Media Print Media Types of Media
Electronic Media Print Media Types of Media Visual Media Oral Media

2 Forms and Examples Print Magazines, newspapers, ads, posters, billboards, book covers. Oral Radio programs, music, interviews Visual Paintings, photos, photo essays Electronic Websites, podcasts, TV shows, text messages, pop-up ads

3 Commonly used Camera Shots in Media
Framing Purpose Long shot An image is framed to show where the action is taking place. Medium shot Also called a “two shot” because two people will fit in the shot. Reaction shot A person not speaking is shown reacting to something being said or done off-screen. Close-up shot This shot shows the emotion on the face of one person or frames a product. Extreme close-up shot This shot may be used to covey emotion or tension. For example, a drop of sweat or shifting eyes.

4 Techniques used in Advertising
How it Works Humour Catches the viewer’s attention and associates the product with a positive feeling Brand Priority Convinces the audience to chose one brand over another Celebrity Endorsement Suggests that viewers can identify with the celebrity by purchasing the product Personal Anxiety Implies that viewers will feel better about themselves if they purchase the product Adapted from Nelson Literacy 9 b

5 Analysing Media-Commercials
This commercial was voted one of the best from the Superbowl. Watch this Doritos commercial and pay attention to how it markets the product. Why do you think it was so successful?

6 Analysing Media-Commercials
This Sony Ericsson commercial was voted one of the worst commercials in the Superbowl. Why do you think it is unsuccessful?

7 Analysing Media-Commercials
Watch this Best Buy commercial from the Superbowl. Which advertising techniques does it use? Refer to the chart.

8 Analysing Media-Commercials
Watch this Coca Cola commercial and pay attention to the sound and images it uses. How are they used to sell the product?

9 Analysing Media-Print/billboard Ads
What advertising techniques does this ad use to sell the product? What camera shots are used? Is the slogan effective? Who is the target market? How do you know?

10 Analysing Media-print/billboard ads
What advertising techniques does this ad use to sell the product? What camera shots are used? Is the slogan effective? Who is the target market? How do you know?

11 Analysing Media-Product Package
Candy bars bring in millions of dollars each year. Therefore, a company must design a wrapper that gets the attention of the consumer. How do these candy bars use colour, font, texture, images, and gimmicks to sell their product?

12 Analysing Media-Product Package

13 Analysing Media- Movie Posters
Examine the following movie posters. Out of each pair, which one do you think is the best, and which one is the worst? Explain your responses in reference to your tips sheet. Does the poster do a good job of marketing the movie?

14 Analysing Media- Movie Posters

15 Analysing Media-Movie Posters

16 Analysing Media-Movie Posters

17 Analysing Media Album Cover
Examine the images, the album title, and the colour scheme. Are the features used to effectively market the product? Make sure you keep the album title in mind when analyzing the cover.

18 Analyzing Media-Album Cover
Take a look at this album cover. Who do you think the target market is and why? Does this album cover market the artist effectively?

19 Analysing Media-Product Placement
Watch this blog on product placement in movies. Do you think that movie producers should be taking money from companies to advertise their products? Write a response to this explaining your viewpoint.

20 Analysing Media-Product Placement
Companies pay to have their products placed in movies and TV shows. See if you can spot the product and the name brand in the following movie stills.

21 Analysing Media-Product Placement
The next time you watch a move, see if you can spot any products or name brands.

22 Analysing Media-Product Placement
Watch the selection of scenes from the movie Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. Write down all of the products you see placed throughout the video.

23 Reality VS Photoshop -Watch this video and pay attention to the use of satire. -Watch Oprah’s Photoshop makeover to see how powerful the program can be.

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