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Written and illustrated by: Chris Van Allsburg

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1 Written and illustrated by: Chris Van Allsburg
Two Bad Ants pages Written and illustrated by: Chris Van Allsburg

2 1. Why do the two ants stay behind when the other ants take crystals to the queen? Use details to support your answer.

3 2. What word besides bad describes the ants? Use your word to write a new title. Support your title choice with examples from the story.

4 3. Look back at the story. What ordinary kitchen items become dangerous to the ants?

5 4. Two Bad Ants is a fantasy because some things that happen in the story could not really happen. Name something from the story that could not really happen.

6 5. Some things in a fantasy are real. Name two things form the story that could happen.

7 Make sure you answered ALL the questions!

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