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Subject: English Topic: Fast Food Restaurants in Hong Kong

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Presentation on theme: "Subject: English Topic: Fast Food Restaurants in Hong Kong"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject: English Topic: Fast Food Restaurants in Hong Kong Target: F.2 students Time: Double Lessons

2 Fast Food Restaurants in Hong Kong

3 In this Unit, you will : learn how to name common fast food items
know how to order fast food in English learn the logos and names of common fast food shops in Hong Kong have pair-work have a quiz and exercises to see how much you have learnt

4 The Outline Vocabulary Dialogue Role-Play Homepage Small Quiz Pick

5 Logos of Hong Kong Fast Food
Do you know these restaurants?

6 This restaurant is famous for ……?

7 This restaurant is famous for ……?

8 This restaurant is famous for ……?

9 This restaurant is famous for ……?

10 This restaurant is famous for ……?

11 Vocabulary of Fast Food Items
Now, we are going to learn more new words

12 What is this? Hamburger

13 What is this? Pizza

14 What is this? Pineapple Pie

15 What is this? Apple Pie

16 What is this? Cheeseburger

17 What is this? Milkshake

18 What is this? French Fries

19 What is this? Salad

20 What is this? Fried Chicken

21 What is this? Coke

22 What is this? Big Mac

23 What is this? Sundae

24 What is this? Iced Lemon Tea

25 What is this? Spaghetti

26 Vocabulary of Fast Food Items

27 How to order fast food?

28 Dialogue A(Cashier)收銀員: Welcome! May I help you?
B(Customer) 顧客: Yes, I would like a pizza, French Fries and a salad, please. A: Anything to drink? B: I’ll have a medium coke and a milkshake.

29 A (Cashier)收銀員: Fifty dollars. B (Customer) 顧客: Here you are.
A(Cashier)收銀員: Is that all? B (Customer) 顧客: Yes. How much is that? A (Cashier)收銀員: Fifty dollars. B (Customer) 顧客: Here you are. A (Cashier)收銀員: Thank you very much.

30 Exercise 1 A (Cashier)收銀員: _________! May I help you?
B (Customer) 顧客: Yes, _____________two salads A: Anything to ____________? B: I’ll have two small cokes. A: Is that all? B: Yes, _____________________? A: Fifty dollars. B: _____________________. A: Thank you. Answer

31 Answers A:Welcome! May I help you? B: Yes, I would like two salads
A: Anything to drink? B: I’ll have two small cokes. A: Is that all? B: Yes, how much is that? A: Fifty dollars. B: Here you are. A: Thank you.

32 Two children are going to a fast food restaurant and want to order some food. Can you help them by filling in the blanks?

33 Exercise 2 A: _________! May I help you?
B: Yes, I would like _______________and ___________________________. A: Anything to ____________? B: I’ll have _________ medium _________. A: ___________________? B: Yes, how much is that? A: Fifty dollars. B: Here you are. A: Thank you. Answer

34 Answer Are your answers correct? A: Welcome! May I help you?
B: Yes, I would like one pizza and two pieces of fried chicken ! A: Anything to drink? B: I’ll have two medium cokes. A: Is that all?

35 Vocabulary of Fast Food Items

36 Fast Food Restaurants’ Homepage
Spaghetti House McDonald’s Hardee’s Pizza Hut Kentucky Fried Chicken Jollibee

37 Now, work in pairs. Try to order fast food for yourself and your friends in English!

38 Role-Play Time Work in pairs Read the menu and try to order the food you like in English

39 The End Thank You

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