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What are your ethical options?

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Presentation on theme: "What are your ethical options?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are your ethical options?
Ethical relativism Ethical Objectivism There are no objective or universally valid moral principles, they are just opinions Subjective ethical relativism (individualistic): Conventional ethical relativism (cultural): There are universal and objectively valid moral principles -Ethical egoism: -Utilitarianism: -Kantian ethics: -Virtue ethics:

2 Four Ethically Objectivist theories
Theory Description Example Ethical egoism Do what is in your self-interest Under capitalism, Each company should maximize profits Utilitarianism Do that which produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people Take a vote in your family about which ice cream flavors to buy Kantian ethics Absolute moral rules must be followed, regardless of the consequences Always tell the truth, even if it could harm you Virtue ethics Do that which makes you a better person What sort of a person shall I be? A trustworthy person?

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