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“Pediatric radiation oncology” R

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1 “Pediatric radiation oncology” R
“Pediatric radiation oncology” R. Miralbell Hôpitaux Universitaires, Genève



4 Clinical features favorably influencing survival in pediatric medulloblastoma: univariate analysis
Author Period #pts Gender Age T-stage M-stage Hershatter et al >T2 NE Tait et al female - <T3 NE Evans et al >4 years - M0 Jenkin et al female - <T3 M0-1 Wara et al female >3 years - M0 Miralbell et al female - - M0

5 Clinical features favorably influencing survival in pediatric medulloblastoma: multivariate analysis
Author Period #pts Gender Age T-stage M-stage Hershatter et al >T2 NE Evans et al >4 years - M0 Jenkin et al Wara et al female - - M0 Miralbell et al female - - M0

6 Virtual simulation for cranio-spinal irradiation of medulloblastoma
Virtual simulation for cranio-spinal irradiation of medulloblastoma. Clara Jargy, Philippe Nouet, Raymond Miralbell. Radiation Oncology, Geneva University Hospital

7 Mark on the skin for the spine field
Lateral mark Patient set-up

8 Set-up of the left lateral brain field with the different structures.

9 Set-up of the spinal field
Mark on the skin shifts Set-up of the spinal field

10 Junction (brain-spine) in a sagittal slice

11 without with Effect of the table rotation on the field ’s matching

12 Moving junctions between the brain fields and the spinal field.
We use asymetric fields (one isocenter for the same region).

13 Moving junction between the two spinal fields.
Fields match on the anterior edge of the spinal cord

14 Boost on the posterior fossa

15 Final dosimetry in a sagittal slice passing through the spinal cord.
-Dose at the junction. -Dose at the spinal cord (depth and SSD vary).

16 R. Miralbell QARC & Swiss POG Geneva, CH
Radiotherapy in pediatric medulloblastoma: quality assessment of POG Trial 9031 R. Miralbell QARC & Swiss POG Geneva, CH

17 Purpose To evaluate the potential influence of the quality of RT on event-free (EFS) & overall survival (OS) in a group of high-riskpediatric medulloblastoma patients treatedin POG Trial 9031

18 POG Trial 9031 Randomize between:
- Arm 1: CDDP+VP16 - CSI - vcr+cycloph. - Arm 2: CSI - CDDP+VP16 - vcr+cycloph. 224 high-risk stage patients randomized : - Post-op residual tumor: >1.5 cm3 - T3b, T4 - M+ (1-3)

19 Patient material & RT guidelines
Patients: evaluable CSI (dose): M0-1 M2-3 dose/fx WBI & spine Gy Gy 1.6 Gy PF (boost) Gy Gy 1.8 Gy Metastases Gy Gy 1.6 Gy

20 CSI treatment volume boundaries
WBI: inf border 0.5 cm below base of skull Spine: inf border 2 cm below the subdural space PF: tentorium+1 cm; C1-C2 interspace; post clinoids; post convexity Tumor: 2 cm around the primary tumor

21 Method of RT quality assessment
WBI: distance between the inf field limit & both the cribiform plate & floor of the middle cranial fossa Spine: distance between the end of the inf field limit & the end of the dural sac (MRI). PF: distance between the boost field limits & the tentorium, C1-C2, post clinoids, post convexity Tumor: distance between the boost field limits & the tumor borders as seen in the pre-op brain MRI/CT

22 Treatment deviation guidelines
WBI: mm, minor; <0 mm, major Spine: Inf field abutting the sac, minor Inf field transsecting the sac, major PF: < field boundaries, major Tumor: mm, minor; <10 mm, major

23 RT deviations: total dose
Maximum accepted variation: +/- 5% Major deviation: 10% or more below dose prescription Delays >51 & >58 days were conpensated with 1 or 2 additional fractions to the PF

24 Endpoints & statistics
Assessment of 1st site of failure 5-year EFS & OS according to treatment correctness Kaplan-Meier & log-rank tests

25 Results: overall outcome
EFS (5-y): % (4.1 SE) OS (5-y): % (3.8 SE) Relapsed: patients Progressed: patients Dead: patients

26 Results: treatment deviations
Fully evaluable: 160 patients # deviations # patients

27 Results: major deviations by site
Site #deviat/total patients WBI: /208 (26%) Spine: /174 (7%) PF: /210 (39%) Tumor: /189 (17%)

28 Results: EFS & OS by site and deviation status

29 Results: outcome & cumulative effect of treatment deviations
5-year Deviations EFS OS % % % (p=0.06) 70.6% (p=0.04)

30 Summary Major treatment deviations were observed in 57% of fully evaluable patients. Underdosage or treatment volume misses did not correlate with a worse EFS or OS. A «trend» for a better EFS and OS was observed among patients with lesser number of major deviations (i.e., 0-1). An involved field to boost the tumor bed may be as effective as, and less toxic than, boosting the whole PF.

31 RT in children: a unique treatment paradigm

32 Why? Conventional RT frequently associated with severe side effects:
Significant increase in survival in pediatric oncology in the last 25 years Conventional RT frequently associated with severe side effects: Growth & musculoskeletal Endocrine & fertility Neuropsychologic Secondary cancers


34 Bone growth and radiation damage
Radiation kills dividing chondroblasts Arrested chondrogenesis in the epiphysis Stop endochondral bone formation: >20 Gy

35 Changes in skeletal growth: the height
A consequence of treating the spinal axis: reduced sitting heights Age dependant: <12 years Dose dependent: >20 Gy



38 Craniospinal RT for medulloblatoma/PNET

39 Pituitary gland: 36 Gy

40 Thyroid: Gy Ovaries: 2-12 Gy



43 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1950’s-1980’s: «mantle» field irradiation
44 Gy

44 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the 1990’s-2000’s: involved field irradiation
20 Gy







51 …is further optimization possible?
New treatment technologies such as intensity modulated X-ray beams and proton beams can provide an even superior dose distribution compared to conventional 3-D conformal RT

52 Intensity Modulated X-ray Beams

53 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
3D Dose Distribution Fluence or Intensity Map field width field length Beam-let IMRT is a highly conformal RT technique whereby many beamlets of varying radiation intensity within one treatment field can be delivered

54 Proton Beams


56 Photon: No mass, uncharged Proton: Large mass, charged « + »

57 Proton Beams

58 Four truisms… There is no advantage to any patient for any irradiation of any normal tissue. Radiation complications never ocur in unirradiated tissues That a smaller treatment volume is superior is not a medical research question One may investigate the magnitude of the gain or the cost of achieving that gain (Suit, IJROBP 53; 2002)

59 Brainstem (pilocytic) glioma in a 8 y-old girl: 50 Gy (100%).
Pituitary gland Optic chiasm Brainstem Target volume


61 Dose to the pituitary gland: 25 Gy (high-risk of GH deficiency)
Brainstem glioma 3-D conformal radiotherapy Dose to the pituitary gland: 25 Gy (high-risk of GH deficiency)

62 Dose to the pituitary gland: 15 Gy (low-risk of GH deficiency)
Brainstem glioma IMRT Dose to the pituitary gland: 15 Gy (low-risk of GH deficiency)

63 Cancer of the nasopharynx in a 16 y-old boy: 70 Gy (100%)

64 3-D conformal RT IMRT

65 3-D conformal RT IMRT Tumor

66 3-D conformal RT IMRT Pituitary gland


68 Medulloblastoma in a 3-year old boy. Spinal radiotherapy: 36 GyE (100%)
Standard XRT IMRT (X-rays) Protons Thyroid Ovaries




72 Brainstem glioma 3-D conformal radiotherapy (CRT)

73 3-D conformal with dynamic mMLC & IMRT
Brainstem glioma 3-D conformal with dynamic mMLC & IMRT

74 Comparative planning 3-D mMLC (CRT) 3-D mMLC (dynamic IMRT)

75 Medulloblastoma, post. fossa boost
3-D conformal radiotherapy (CRT)

76 3-D conformal with dynamic mMLC & IMRT
Medulloblastoma, post. fossa boost 3-D conformal with dynamic mMLC & IMRT

77 Axial view: cochlear level

78 Comparative planning 3-D mMLC (CRT) 3-D mMLC (dynamic IMRT) PTV PTV
Rt cochlea Rt cochlea Lt cochlea Lt cochlea O. chiasm O. chiasm

79 Nonperoperative strokes in children with CNS tumors
Incidence: 13/807 patients (1.6%) Ocurrence: 2.3 years from diagnosis Increased risk: - treatment with RT - optic pathway gliomas (Bowers et al, Cancer 94;2002)

80 Oligo-astrocytoma G-II of the mesencephalus in a 12-year old girl

81 PTV Brainstem Rt & Lt Cochleae O. nerves O. chiasm

82 Pylocitic astrocytoma of the right optic pathway in a 8 year old girl (type-I NF):

83 Secondary cancers - Hodgkin disease: 9.7 (8.0-11.6)
Observed/expected ratios (95% CI): - Hodgkin disease: 9.7 ( ) - Soft-tissue sarcoma: 7.0 ( ) - Neuroblastoma: 6.6 ( ) - CNS tumors: ( ) Increased risk: female & young age. (JNCI, 93;2001)


85 Purpose To assess the potential influence of improved dose distribution with proton beams compared to conventional or IM X-ray beams on the incidence of treatment-induced 2nd cancers in pediatric oncology.

86 Material A 7-y old boy with a rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) of the left paranasal sinus: 50.4 Gy (28 x 1.8 Gy, qd) to the tumor bed. (IJROBP, 47;2000) A 3-y old boy with a medulloblastoma (MDB): 36 Gy (20 x 1.8 Gy, qd) to the spine. (IJROBP, 38;1997)

87 Conformal XRT IMXT Protons IMPT

88 Standard XRT IMRT (X-rays) Protons

89 Estimation of 2nd cancer incidence
Based on ICRP #60 guidelines M = St Mt Ht/Lt M; probability in % of 2nd cancer incidence (Sv-1) (total) Mt; probability in % of fatal 2nd cancer (Sv-1) (organ-specific) Ht; average dose (Sv) in the outlined organs Lt; organ-specific cancer lethality

90 ICRP #60: organ-specific probability of fatal 2nd cancer (%) per Sv-1 & lethality
Organ Mt Lt Oesophagus Stomach Colon Breast Lung Bone Thyroid

91 RMS: Estimated absolute yearly rate (%) of 2nd cancer
X-rays IMXT Protons IMPT Yearly rate RR compared to X-rays

92 MDB: Estimated absolute yearly rate (%) of 2nd cancer
Tumor site X-rays IMXT Protons Oesoph. & stomach Colon Breast Lung Thyroid Bone & soft tissue Leukemia All RR (compared to X-rays)

93 Conclusions Proton beams may reduce the expected incidence of radiation-induced 2nd cancers by a factor of >2 (RMS) or >8 (MDB) With a lower risk of 2nd cancers the cost per life saved may be significantly reduced

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