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Gearing up for SATs! How to get your child ready for the end of KS2 tests…

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Presentation on theme: "Gearing up for SATs! How to get your child ready for the end of KS2 tests…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gearing up for SATs! How to get your child ready for the end of KS2 tests…

2 Gearing up for SATs! This is probably your child’s perception of SATs
at the moment!

3 Assessing your child’s progress
At the end of KS2, your child will be given a level in SPAG, Reading, Writing and Maths. Each subject (excluding Writing) is sub-categorised into two sections; a Teacher Assessment level and a Test level.

4 Assessing your child’s progress
As teachers, we assess your child on a regular basis. Our level reflects a child’s learning over an entire year. The SATs test only covers 45 minutes of their learning! However, we want children to achieve what we know they are capable of in their SATs test, as preparation for future tests in their Secondary school.

5 Assessing your child’s progress
Breaking down the levels Level 3 Expected attainment for end of Y4 Level 4 Expected attainment for end of Y6 Level 5 Expected attainment for end of Y7 A very small percentage of children may achieve Level 6. Nationally, around 0.5% of children achieve this level by the end of KS2

6 SATs week Monday 11th May 2015 – Thursday 14th May Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday L3-5 Reading Test (1 hour) L3-5 SPAG Test (45 mins) L3-5 Mental Maths Test (15 mins) L3-5 Mathematics Text B (45 mins) L6 Reading Test (1 hour)* L6 SPAG Test (1 hour)* L3-5 Mathematics Test A (45 mins) L6 Mathematics Test (1 hour)* * Children are selected to sit these papers if they have achieved above 98% in two or more practice papers

7 SATs week Monday 11th May 2015 – Thursday 14th May
8:15am – All Year 6 children are invited to attend a special SATs breakfast. This is free of charge exclusively for this week. Breakfast will consist of: Cereals Toast Pancakes Fruit Juice

8 SPAG Test Consists of 2 papers:
Paper 1 – Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary (45 mins, 50 marks) Paper 2 – Spelling (approx. 15 mins, 20 marks) Adults can read the words, but cannot help with answering in any way.

9 Reading Test Consists of 1 paper:
A reading booklet consisting of a range of 3-4 texts. Each text gets progressively harder An answer booklet (50 marks) 1 hour to read the whole text and answer the questions We recommend to the children they read one text at a time and then answer the questions on it No adult assistance can be given

10 Maths Test Consists of 3 papers:
Paper 1 and Paper 2 – written calculations (45 minutes each, 40 marks each) No calculators are allowed for any test Equipment available to use during the test: mirror, tracing paper, protractor, ruler Adults can read the words, but cannot help with answering in any way

11 Maths Test Consists of 3 papers: Mental Maths paper (20 marks)
In total, there are 100 marks across the 3 papers

12 Writing There is no writing test
Instead, a collection of your child’s writing across the year goes into their own individual ‘portfolio’ This means your child’s writing level is based on a range of writing, rather than one piece

13 Helping your child to prepare
Little and often! Children have access to Education City and Mathletics online. You can also purchase KS2 revision guides from well known bookstores. You can find past SATs papers online (tackle a few questions at a time, avoid 2012 onwards!)

14 Leading up to the week 10-20 minutes revision every day.
Use websites, SATs buster guides. Encourage your child to talk through what they are doing. Discuss any worries or anxieties. Encourage them to follow the advice given at school – get them to share it with you!

15 During the week Relaxation is key!
Allow them to take regular breaks – by this time they know all they need to know!

16 Useful Websites BBC Bitesize
Mathletics Educations City SATs Papers Topmarks

17 Any Questions? Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns. We want everyone to do well in their SATs tests BUT it is not the be all and end all! We are proud of the progress they have all made and continue to make!

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