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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... ISAAC NEWTON.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... ISAAC NEWTON."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... ISAAC NEWTON

4 Jeopardy Crick & Watson Einstein Galileo Edison Fleming Pasteur 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 What force causes objects to be pulled towards the earth?

6 Gravity A 100

7 The heat that warms your hands when you rub them together is caused by…

8 Friction A 200

9 In which state of matter does water have a definite shape and volume?

10 Solid A 300

11 Which part of a plant takes in water and nutrients from the soil?

12 Roots A 400

13 What is the major source of energy for food chains

14 The sun A 500

15 Some birds fly south in the fall and return in the spring
Some birds fly south in the fall and return in the spring. This is an example of… B 100

16 Migration B 100

17 Sleet and hail are forms of
B 200

18 Precipitation B 200

19 The movement of soil by wind or water is called

20 Erosion B 300

21 What type of simple machine is a ramp?
B 400

22 Inclined Plane B 400

23 The energy that all organisms need to survive comes from …
B 500

24 The sun B 500

25 If an object is attracted to a magnet, the object is most likely made of

26 Iron (or metal) C 100

27 What form of energy causes an ice cube to melt?

28 Heat energy C 200

29 What movement of the earth causes day and night?

30 Rotation C 300


32 The formation of clouds is an example of what part of the water cycle?

33 Condensation C 400

34 What simple machine is a seesaw?

35 A lever C 500

36 What is the process in which green plants make their own food?

37 Photosynthesis D 100

38 A caterpillar eats a leaf, a bird eats the caterpillar, a cat eats the bird, this is an example of

39 A food chain D 200

40 You cut a piece of paper into smaller pieces
You cut a piece of paper into smaller pieces. This is an example of what kind of change? D 300

41 Physical change D 300

42 How long does it take the earth to make one revolution around the sun?

43 365 days or one year D 400

44 A puddle dries up, this is an example of

45 Evaporation D 500

46 The length of time from an animal’s birth to its death is called its…

47 Lifespan E 100

48 An object’s hardness, taste and texture are examples of

49 Properties E 200

50 The metal handlebars on your bike are rusting
The metal handlebars on your bike are rusting. This is an example of what kind of change? E 300

51 Chemical change E 300

52 An animal blends into its environment for protection
An animal blends into its environment for protection. What is this called? E 400

53 Camouflage E 400

54 When a flashlight is turned on electrical energy is changed to what type of energy?

55 Light energy E 500

56 What part of a green plant makes the food for the plant?

57 The leaves F 100

58 The path a planet takes around the sun is called…
F 200

59 An orbit F 200

60 An animal that kills and eats other animals is called
F 300

61 A predator F 300

62 What type of rock is formed from melted minerals inside the earth?

63 Igneous rock F 400

64 When you hit a drum with a drumstick you are changing mechanical energy to what kind of energy?

65 Sound energy F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Geology Please record your wager.
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67 Name the three types of rock?
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68 Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
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69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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