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The Endocrine System Chapter 12 A&PI.

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1 The Endocrine System Chapter 12 A&PI

2 Endocrine System Group of glands that produce hormones
Hormones are regulatory chemicals Endocrine & nervous system work together to control & coordinate all other systems of the body Nervous system – rapid responses using chemical & electrical stimuli Endocrine – slower effects over longer time period using chemical stimuli only


4 Hormones Regulatory chemicals that have specific effects on certain cells or organs (target tissue) Some hormones affect many tissues Some hormones affect only specific tissues Released directly into the surrounding tissue and diffuse into the bloodstream that carry them throughout the body Attach to receptors on plasma membrane of target tissues

5 Hormone Chemistry Amino acids – protein compounds
Almost all hormones fall into this category except those of the adrenal cortex and the sex glands Steroids – lipid compounds made of cholesterol Adrenal hormones & sex hormones are steroids End in the suffix –one, as in progesterone, testosterone

6 Hormone Regulation Hormone levels in the blood are generally kept within a specific range using a negative feedback loop Exception; oxytocin, which allows the uterus to contract during pregnancy, responds to a positive feedback loop (hormone promotes further hormone release) In negative feedback, the hormone itself (or the result of its action) controls further hormone secretion Hormone release may also be rhythmic Adrenal cortex hormones follow a 24 hour cycle Female hormones follow a 28 day cycle

7 Methods of Hormone Regulation
Negative Feedback Loop –Pituitary & Thyroid Glands

8 Endocrine Glands Pituitary Gland Thyroid Parathyroid Adrenal Gland
Anterior & posterior Thyroid Parathyroid Adrenal Gland Medulla & cortex Pancreas Testes Ovaries Thymus Pineal gland

9 Pituitary Gland aka Hypophysis
Master gland – pituitary hormones affect the working of other glands Connected to brain at the hypothalamus Infundibulum – stalk that connects pituitary with hypothalamus Sits in a depression in sphenoid Two lobes of pituitary gland: 1. Anterior pituitary gland GH, TSH, ACTH, PRL, LH 2. Posterior pituitary gland ADH

10 Chemical messengers called releasing hormones (RH) arrive from the hypothalamus.
RH travel to the anterior pituitary by way of a special type of circulatory pathway called a portal system. As the blood circulates through the capillaries, it delivers the hormones that stimulate the release of anterior pituitary secretions.

11 Pituitary Gland

12 Control of the Anterior Pituitary Gland
Releasing hormones – chemical messages from the hypothalamus stimulate the anterior pituitary to produce hormones GH-RH is growth hormone releasing hormone GH-IH is growth hormone inhibiting hormone Portal system – circulatory pathway between the hypothalamus & the anterior pituitary

13 Control of the Posterior Pituitary Gland
Posterior pituitary hormones are produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary; ADH & oxytocin Posterior pituitary hormone release is controlled by nerve impulses that travel over nervous tracts between the hypothalamus & the posterior pituitary

14 Anterior Pituitary Hormones
GH – growth hormone aka somatotropin Acts directly on most body tissues, promoting growth Produced throughout life TSH – thyroid stimulating hormone; thyrotopin Stimulates production of hormones in the thyroid gland ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone Stimulates production of hormones in the adrenal cortex PRL – prolactin – stimulates milk production Gonadotropins – hormones that act on the reproductive systems FSH – follicle sitmulating hormone Stimulates egg & sperm development LH – leutinizing hormone Causes ovulation in females & sex hormone secretion in men & women

15 Posterior & Anterior Pituitary

16 Posterior Pituitary Hormones
ADH – antidiuretic hormone Promotes H2O reabsorption from the kidneys Contracts blood vessels; increasing blood pressure Oxytocin Causes uterine contractions

17 Pituitary Disorders Anterior Pituitary Posterior Pituitary
Childhood increased GH – gigantism Adult increased GH – acromegaly; thickened features Posterior Pituitary Decreased ADH – diabetes insipidus; excessive water loss

18 Acromegaly

19 Thyroid Gland Largest endocrine gland in body
2 lobes separated by an isthmus Covered with a connective tissue capsule

20 Hormones of the Thyroid Gland
Two Thyroid hormones increase metabolic rate Require iodine T4 - Thyroxine T3 - Triiodothyronine Calcitonin – active in calcium metabolism. Calcitonin lowers the amount of calcium circulating in the blood by promoting the deposit of calcium in bone tissue

21 Thyroid Disorders; underactivity
Hypothyroidism – underactivity Cretenism; infants & children usually due to failure of thyroid forming during development Myxedema; thyroid wasting in an adult resulting in sluggishness, hair & skin changes, swollen face

22 Thyroid Disorders; Overactivity
Hyperthyroidism – overactivity Graves disease – enlarged thyroid, exopthalmosis (bulging eyes), nervousness, weight loss Thyroid storm – sudden onset of hyperthyroidism which can be fatal if untreated

23 Thyroid Disorders Goiter – enlarged thyroid which may or may not cause altered secretions Hashimoto disease – autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid

24 Parathyroid 4 glands embedded in posterior capsule of thyroid
PTH – parathyroid hormone regulates calcium levels in blood Promotes calcium release from bone tissue Stimulates kidney to conserve calcium Tetany – muscle spasms as a result of low PTH levels which result in low calcium levels PTH works with calcitonin from the thyroid gland to regulate calcium metabolism. When calcium is high, calcitonin is produced; when calcium is low, PTH is produced.

25 Adrenal Glands 2 small glands on top of the kidneys
2 parts to each adrenal gland Adrenal medulla Epinephrine/adrenaline Norepinephrine/noradrenaline Adrenal cortex Glucocorticoids Mineralcorticoids Sex hormones

26 Adrenal Medulla Hormones
Fight or flight hormones; can be released from nerve endings as well, making them neurotransmitters Adrenaline/epinephrine Noradrenaline/norepinephrine Stimulates arteriole contraction, raising blood pressure Converts glycogen to glucose Increases heart rate, metabolic rate Dilates bronchioles, increasing respiration

27 Adrenal Cortex Hormones
Glucocorticoids – maintain carbohydrate reserve of the body; suppress body’s inflammatory response Stress increases production of these hormones Cortisol aka hydrocortisone Mineralcorticoids – regulate electrolyte balance aldosterone Sex hormones – secreted in small amounts; little effect on body

28 Adrenal Glands

29 Pancreas – Endocrine & Exocrine Gland
Islets of Langerhans – small groups of cells throughout pancreas that secrete Insulin glucagon Insulin – transports glucose across plasma membrane for use by cells; promotes conversion of excess glucose into fatty acids – decreases blood sugar Glucagon – works with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels; causes liver to release stored glucose - increases blood sugar


31 Diabetes Mellitus – Type I
Type I - Islets of Langerhans fail to produce enough insulin Usually brought on by infection or autoimmune disorder destroying islets Insulin dependant More severe Usually <30 yoa onset

32 Diabetes Mellitus – Type II
Type II - Body cells become resistant to insulin & glucose remains in the blood instead of being transported across plasma membrane Non-insulin dependant, although many will use insulin Retain ability to secrete insulin but body becomes resistant due to excessive weight Adult onset

33 Gestational Diabetes During pregnancy, usually disappears after childbirth Familial pattern, obesity, older age at conception Complications for both mother and baby

34 Long Term Complications of Diabetes
Abnormal fat metabolism, increasing blood levels of fat and accelerating atherosclerosis Arterial damage, especially in the retina, heart & kidneys Peripheral nerve damage Decreased ability to utilize amino acids, resulting in poor tissue repair & reduced resistance to infection

35 Sex Glands – Ovaries & Testes
Hormones needed for the maintenance of reproductive system Responsible for secondary sex characteristics, those features that typify male vs female but are not involved with reproduction (i.e. deep voice) Androgens – male sex hormones Estrogens & progesterone – female sex hormones

36 Thymus Gland Behind the sternum superior to heart
Lymphoid tissue important in immunity Thymosin – hormone secreted to assist in developing some white blood cells known as T cells (T lymphocytes)

37 Pineal Gland Small structure attached to the roof of the 3rd ventricle in the brain Melatonin – produced during the night & influences sleep-wake cycles

38 Other Hormone Producing Tissues
Hormones are considered any substance that has a regulatory function, either locally or distant from its site of secretion Stomach & small intestine secrete hormones that regulate digestive action Kidneys produce erythropoietin which stimulate RBC formation in the bone marrow

39 Prostaglandins Hormones produced by most body tissues
Produced, act & are deactivated at a local level Involved in the inflammatory process Involved in sensitizing pain receptors Aspirin & other NSAIDs counteract prostaglandins

40 Hormones in Medical Treatment
Growth Hormone – to strengthen & build body mass in weakened or elderly Insulin – treatment of diabetes Adrenal steroids – inflammation relief Epinephrine – anaphylactic shock treatment Progesterone & estrogen – oral contraceptives

41 Hormones & Stress Stress activates the fight or flight response of the autonomic nervous system Hypothalamus of the brain is stimulated to release hormones Prolonged stress causes prolonged elevated hormone levels which can lead to decreased immunity & stress related health problems

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