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Aim: Cell Parts Enter Date Warm-up: HW:.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Cell Parts Enter Date Warm-up: HW:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Cell Parts Enter Date Warm-up: HW:

2 What is a cell? The smallest unit that makes up a living thing!

3 Why study cells? Cells → Tissues → Organs → Bodies
bodies are made up of cells cells do all the work of life!

4 The Cell Theory 1. All living things are made of cells
2. Cells are basic unit of structure and function 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells

5 Our organelles do all these jobs!
The Jobs of Cells Cells have 3 main jobs make energy need energy for all activities need to clean up waste produced while making energy make proteins make more cells for growth to replace damaged or diseased cells Our organelles do all these jobs!

6 Organelles Organelles do the work of cells
each structure has a job to do keeps the cell alive; keeps you alive They’re like mini-organs!

7 1. Cell (Plasma) Membrane
Selectively Permeable Lets some substances in or out, but not others


9 The Cell Membrane is labeled A in both pictures

10 2. Nucleus Controls cell functions Has its own membrane
Contains & Protects DNA

11 Letter B - Nucleus


13 3. Cytoplasm Jelly-like fluid Moves in a circular motion within cell



16 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Network of channels Aids in transport of material around cell

17 4. Types of E.R Rough E.R. – contains ribosomes
Smooth E.R.-make lipids, breakdown carbohydrates, detox poisons

18 Letter B - is the Endoplasmic Reticulum

19 5. Ribosomes Site of protein synthesis Can be free or attached to E.R.
Letter C - Ribosomes

20 6. Golgi Bodies/ Apparatus
Stacks of flattened tubes Where proteins are completed

21 7. Mitochondria Site of cellular respiration ATP  Energy!!!

22 8. Vacuoles LARGE in plants Hold water, food, or waste
Small in animals

23 plant cells animal cells food vacuole central vacuole
contractile vacuole

24 9. Lysosomes digest food clean up & recycle digest broken organelles
digesting broken organelles vacuole small food particle digesting food

25 A Job for Lysosomes 6 weeks 15 weeks

26 Peroxisomes Use oxygen to break down fatty acids for use by the mitochondria. Produce hydrogen peroxide Found heavily in the liver

27 Organelles Only in Plant Cells
Chloroplasts Contains green pigment - >chlorophyll traps light energy to make food


29 2. Cell Wall Non-living Supports and protects the cell Composed of cellulose

30 A B Letter A – Cell Wall Letter B – Chloroplasts
(Where Photosynthesis Occurs) A B

31 Organelles Only in Animal Cells
1. Centrioles - used in cell division. release spindle fibers.

32 Animal Cell ▪jelly-like material holding organelles in place
cytoplasm ▪food digestion ▪garbage disposal & recycling lysosome ▪transport/storage vacuole & vesicles ▪protects DNA ▪controls cell nucleus ▪make energy ▪builds proteins ribosomes ▪helps finish proteins mitochondria ▪finishes, packages & ships proteins Golgi apparatus ▪cell boundary ▪controls movement of materials in & out cell membrane ER Animal Cell

33 Cell Models: An Interactive Animation
Plant Cell cytoplasm ▪jelly-like material around organelles ▪storage: food, water or waste central vacuole ▪support mitochondria ▪make ATP in cellular respiration cell wall lysosome ▪digestion & clean up ▪makes ATP & sugars in photosynthesis cell membrane ▪cell boundary ▪controls movement of materials in & out chloroplast

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