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Lab #1 ,Ipconfig & ping commands

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1 Lab #1 ,Ipconfig & ping commands
NET 324D Network management system Lab #1 ,Ipconfig & ping commands By: TA. Arwa Alateeq

2 Ipconfig command it used to find out your current TCP/IP settings.
With IPCONFIG you can find out your IP Address find your Default Gateway and find your Subnet Mask. This is a very handy network tool for finding your local IP address.

3 Ipconfig

4 More ipconfig commands
ipconfig /all To display all your IP information for all adapters. ipconfig /release To release your current IP information and obtain a new IP Address from the DHCP server. ipconfig /renew Used to renew your IP Address if you have it set to obtain IP Address automatically. ipconfig /displaydns This shows your current DNS Resolver Cache Logs.

5 Evaluation #1 using the command “ipconfig”, Can you determine on your computer what are mask, gateway and the number of addresses available on your network ?

6 Ping command If you are having connectivity problems, you can use the PING command to check the destination IP address you want to reach and record the results. The PING command displays whether the destination responded and how long it took to receive a reply. If there is an error in the delivery to the destination, the PING command displays an error message. the Ping command is a network tool used to determine if you are able to send packets between your network computer on the internet to another computer without losing packets along the way. By doing this you can determine if you're online or if a website is down. It also calculates round trip time and Time to Live. This can let you know if your NIC card is working properly and if you're able to reach your router or modem. It can also be used as a network tool for troubleshooting.

7 Ping command You can use the ping command to:
Ping your computer (by address, not host name) to determine that TCP/IP is functioning. (Pinging your computer does not verify that your network adapter is functioning.) Ping the local router to determine whether the router is running. Ping beyond your local router. ( The destination )

8 Ping command How to PING ! Write : ping (IP adress)
ping (web address)

9 Ping command PING (without an address): gives you options for more details

10 The default is 4 times. You can change it by typing -n
Ping command PING ( with IP address) The default is 4 times. You can change it by typing -n

11 Ping command

12 Evaluation #2 using the command “ping-n”, Can you determine the number of echo request to send ?

13 Resources

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